IBS Interim Report January - June 2011
August 25, 2011 05:57 ET | IBS AB
IBS Interim Report January - June 2011   JANUARY-JUNE 2011 · Total revenue decreased to SEK 558 m (664), with professional services revenue down to SEK 313 m (405) and hardware and other...
IBS ansökan om avnotering från First North har bifallits
August 18, 2011 04:42 ET | IBS AB
IBS ansökan om avnotering från First North har bifallits First North har bifallit IBS AB:s ansökan om avnotering, med sista handelsdag den 31 augusti 2011. Styrelsen i IBS AB beslutade vid extra...
IBS applies for delisting from First North
July 19, 2011 04:45 ET | IBS AB
IBS applies for delisting from First North The board of directors in IBS AB (publ) (“IBS”) have received a demand from STG IBS Holding S.a.r.l. to initiate the compulsory acquisition procedure under...
Symphony Technology Group holds 94.91 percent of the shares in IBS
June 29, 2011 07:00 ET | IBS AB
Symphony Technology Group holds 94.91 percent of the shares in IBS Symphony Technology Group's (“STG”) offer to the shareholders of IBS AB (publ) (“IBS”) has been accepted by shareholders...
Symphony Technology Group innehar 94,91 procent av aktierna i IBS
June 29, 2011 07:00 ET | IBS AB
Symphony Technology Group innehar 94,91 procent av aktierna i IBS Symphony Technology Groups (”STG”) erbjudande till aktieägarna i IBS AB (publ) (”IBS”) har accepterats av ägare till cirka 94,91...
IBS announces the formation of the CEO office
June 22, 2011 08:19 ET | IBS AB
IBS announces the formation of the CEO office The board of directors at IBS AB has today appointed Christian Paulsson as new acting CEO and COO. Mr. Paulsson will assume the new position on June...
Annual General Meeting in IBS AB
June 22, 2011 07:38 ET | IBS AB
Annual General Meeting in IBS AB At the annual general meeting in IBS AB today the following was resolved. · The meeting elected Dr. Pallab Chatterjee, Arvid Carlsen, Rene Svendsen‑Tune and JT...
IBS Pharma standard implemented as a comprehensive solution within six months
June 20, 2011 03:30 ET | IBS AB
IBS Pharma standard implemented as a comprehensive solution within six months Pharmaceutical wholesaler Gesine introduces IBS industry solution step by step ‑ Smooth live start thanks to...
Shareholder proposals for Board of Directors in IBS AB (publ) etc. in relation to the annual general meeting to be held on 22 June 2011
June 17, 2011 11:36 ET | IBS AB
Shareholder proposals for Board of Directors in IBS AB (publ) etc. in relation to the annual general meeting to be held on 22 June 2011 Resolution on the number of board members, resolution on fees...
June 01, 2011 01:30 ET | IBS AB
SYMPHONY TECHNOLOGY GROUP DECLARES ITS OFFER FOR IBS UNCONDITIONAL The offer referred to in this press release is not being made, and this press release may not be distributed, directly or...