'Buy China Now!' Top Investment Guru Tells Wall Street Reporter

NEW YORK, May 12, 2008 (PRIME NEWSWIRE) -- After the grueling correction of recent months, Paul Goodwin, editor of the Cabot China & Emerging Market Report, says that from a technical perspective, Chinese stocks are looking good again. "We think we finally have a fairly robust buy signal right now," he recently told Wall Street Reporter. "The China market has some very strong stocks in it." In particular, Mr. Goodwin currently has his eye on some solid Chinese companies that recently went public in the United States, but have gotten caught up in global market turmoil. Silicon wafer maker ReneSola Ltd. (NYSE:SOL), for example, got "absolutely slammed by the winter bear" but is still generating steady profit margins supplying the silicon-hungry solar industry, Goodwin tells WSR.

The Beijing Olympics is likely to be good for urban advertising firm VisionChina Media Inc. (Nasdaq:VISN), which runs its ads on screens mounted on buses, Goodwin says. "It is going to do nothing but help them."

Investors looking for more on what Goodwin thinks about China, the economics of silicon, the Olympics, and why "markets always turn up at the moment when the news is worst" can listen to his commentary at www.WallStreetReporter.com. Hundreds of other interviews archived on the site contain additional news and commentary straight from the mouths of market gurus and corporate executives.

For those looking for one-stop shopping where quality Chinese IPOs are concerned, EastBridge Investment Group Corp. (OTCBB:EBIG) is making its name helping to introduce proven businesses in Asia to Western capital markets. "Our main objective is to work with Asian companies that are both very profitable and stable companies that are looking to grow," CFO Norm Klein recently told Wall Street Reporter. "Our main business is to take several of those clients public."

Highlights of the interview:

  --  A progress report on EBIG's efforts to secure public listings
      for at least four of its clients by the second half of 2008.

  --  More detail on the company's "recession-proof" business model,
      which the current credit environment may actually be helping.

  --  Insight into the company's plans to distribute IPO shares of
      client companies to EBIG shareholders as dividends,
      effectively allowing investors to build an entire Pac Rim
      portfolio by simply buying one stock.

Wall Street Reporter (Est. 1843) is the premier source of investment information on global public companies in high-growth sectors. Through its magazines, special reports, website, and conferences, WSR presents unique opportunities for discovering stocks before they appear on the radar of Wall Street. Visitors to its website, www.wallstreetreporter.com, can listen to and view exclusive audio and video from an extensive library of CEO interviews, analyst roundtables, and conference webcast presentations, as well as subscribe to WSR's "Smart Money Alert."

About EastBridge Investment Group

EastBridge Investment Group focuses on small-to-medium high-growth companies in China and India offering IPOs, joint ventures and merchant banking services. The company targets industries in electronics, real estate, auto, metal, energy, environmental, bioscience and food retail distribution.


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