Addendum to the recommended voluntary tender offer to the shareholders of Lokalbanken i Nordsjælland a/s

29 September 2008                                                              

Addendum to the recommended voluntary tender offer to the shareholders of       
Lokalbanken i Nordsjælland a/s submitted by Handelsbanken (Svenska Handelsbanken
AB (publ)) on 15 September 2008:                                                

Special terms for employee shares held in blocked accounts                      

All current and former employees of Lokalbanken i Nordsjælland a/s              
(“Lokalbanken”), who hold employee shares issued by Lokalbanken in blocked      
accounts pursuant to section 7A of the Danish Tax Assessment Act (“Employee     
Shares” held by “Employee Shareholders”), are offered an opportunity to accept  
the recommended voluntary tender offer submitted by Svenska Handelsbanken AB    
(publ) (“Handelsbanken”) on 15 September 2008 to all shareholders of Lokalbanken
(the “Tender Offer”).                                                           

A more detailed description of the terms and conditions of the Tender Offer is  
set out in the offer document published by Handelsbanken on 15 September 2008,  
which has been made public via the OMX Nordic Exchange Copenhagen and           
Lokalbanken's website,, and which has been sent to all       
registered shareholders.                                                        

Please write “employee shares held in blocked account” on the top of the        
acceptance form enclosed with the offer document before submitting the          
acceptance form in respect of Employee Shares.                                  

The definitions used in the Tender Offer shall also apply to these special terms
for Employee Shares held in blocked accounts.                                   

Lokalbanken has issued a total of 11,829 Employee Shares, which are held in     
blocked accounts pursuant to section 7A of the Danish Tax Assessment Act, of    
which 1,789 Employee Shares are held in blocked accounts until January 2009 and 
10,040 Employee Shares are held in blocked accounts until January 2016.         

With respect to Employee Shares, the Employee Shareholders' acceptance of the   
Tender Offer is subject to compulsory redemption of shares held by minority     
shareholders of Lokalbanken, and the following special terms apply to Employee  
Shareholders' participation in the Tender Offer:                                

1.	At completion of the Tender Offer and after Handelsbanken has deposited the  
purchase consideration for the Employee Shares as indicated below, the title,   
voting rights and other shareholder rights attaching to the Employee Shares     
shall pass onto Handelsbanken.                                                  

2.	The Employee Shares are registered with VP Securities Services in an account 
in Handelsbanken's name, and this account is registered as being pledged to     
Lokalbanken on behalf of the Employee Shareholders from whose custody account   
the Employee Shares were transferred. In its capacity as pledgee, Lokalbanken   
shall by Handelsbanken and by the Employee Shareholders, from whose custody     
accounts the Employee Shares were transferred to the account, be irrevocably    
authorised and also instructed to ensure the following:                         

(a)	If no compulsory redemption has taken place by 30 April 2009 at the latest, 
see item (e) below, the title, voting rights and other shareholder rights       
attaching to the Employee Shares registered in the account with VP Securities   
Services shall be transferred by Lokalbanken on behalf of Handelsbanken to the  
Employee Shareholders from whom Handelsbanken acquires such shares by           
Handelsbanken releasing the deposited amount plus accrued interest as indicated 
below. Upon such a transfer from Handelsbanken effected by Lokalbanken to the   
Employee Shareholders, the Employee Shares shall be subject to the same selling 
restrictions as those applicable to the Employee Shares immediately before they 
were transferred to the pledged account with VP Securities Services.            

(b)	Any dividend paid through VP Securities Services with respect to Employee   
Shares registered with the account with VP Securities Services shall be         
deposited in an account set up in Handelsbanken's name with Lokalbanken, which  
account shall be registered as pledged to Lokalbanken on behalf of the Employee 
Shareholders from whose custody account the Employee Shares were transferred.   
The balance of such account shall be disbursed with accrued interest to         
Handelsbanken against documentation that compulsory redemption has taken place  
not later than on 30 April 2009, see item (e) below. Where Lokalbanken has not  
received said documentation by 6 May 2009 at the latest, the balance of the     
account with accrued interest will be disbursed to the Employee Shareholders,   
from whose custody account the Employee Shares were transferred to the account, 
using the same ratio with which the Employee Shareholders gave their acceptance 
of the Tender Offer.                                                            

(c)	Bonus shares and new shares subscribed on the basis of preemption rights    
attaching to the Employee Shares in the account with VP Securities Services and 
any dividend thereon shall be subject to the same terms as other shares in the  
account with VP Securities Services and any dividend thereon.                   

(d)	The pledge for the benefit of the Employee Shareholders, from whose custody 
accounts the Employee Shares were transferred to the account, shall pursuant to 
the irrevocable authority be terminated by Lokalbanken and deleted from VP      
Securities Services against documentation that, by 30 April 2009 at the latest, 
compulsory redemption has taken place, see item (e) below, provided that such   
documentation has been received by Lokalbanken by 6 May 2009 at the latest.     

(e)	“Compulsory redemption” shall mean compulsory redemption as defined in      
section 20b or section 20e of the Danish Public Companies Act. Compulsory       
redemption shall be considered effected once Handelsbanken has provided evidence
that the minority shareholders of Lokalbanken have been requested, pursuant to  
the rules for convening the annual general meeting, to transfer their shares to 
Handelsbanken within a period of four weeks, cf. section 20b(1) or section      
20e(1) of the Danish Public Companies Act.                                      

3.	On settlement of the Tender Offer, Handelsbanken's title to any Employee     
Shares, for which an acceptance has been given, will be registered with VP      
Securities Services in accordance with the terms set out above, and the         
consideration for such Employee Shares, the sale of which has been accepted,    
will be deposited in an account in each of the Employee Shareholders' names in  
the custodian bank which keeps such Employee Shares, and such account shall be  
blocked and subject to the following terms and conditions:                      

(a)	The deposited amount with accrued interest shall be disbursed to the        
Employee Shareholder at the time of the compulsory redemption, provided         
compulsory redemption has been effected by 30 April 2009 at the latest.         

(b)	The deposited amount with accrued interest shall be disbursed to            
Handelsbanken on 6 May 2009 if compulsory redemption has not been effected by 30
April 2009 at the latest.                                                       

4. 	If the compulsory redemption is effected after 1 January 2009, with respect 
to Employee Shares awarded in November 2001 with selling restrictions expiring  
as from 1 January 2009 (“2001 Employee Shares”), the deposited amount with      
accrued interest will be disbursed to the Employee Shareholder when the selling 
restrictions expire. At the same time, the pledge for the benefit of the        
Employee Shareholder with respect to the 2001 Employee Shares will lapse and be 
deleted with VP Securities Services. See item 2(d). For 2001 Employee Shares,   
lapse of the selling restrictions will be comparable to compulsory redemption.  

5.	By accepting the Tender Offer, the Employee Shareholder confirms and         
instructs its custodian bank to open such an account on the terms and conditions
set out above, provided such an account does not already exist.                 


The specific terms and conditions for the employee shares held in blocked       
accounts will be sent by letter to all employee shareholders.                   

For further information, please contact:                                        

Mikkel Jørnvil Nielsen, Head of Communications - +45 2630 0497                  

Customers, shareholders and other interested parties may call to the following  
telephone numbers or write to the following e-mail addresses if they have any   
queries with respect to the tender offer:                                       

Lokalbanken	tel. +45 4840 3230                      
Handelsbanken	tel.                                                              
+45 3341 8513                                    
The telephones will be open weekdays from 9am - 8pm and Saturdays and Sundays   
from 11am to 2pm.


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