Change in Supervisory Board

With the decree no. 378 of the Minister of Finance from 01.10.2008, the member  
of the Supervisory Board of AS Tallinna Sadam (Port of Tallinn) Märt Vooglaid   
was recalled and Remo Holsmer was appointed as the new member of the Supervisory
Board of AS Tallinna Sadam.                                                     

Remo Holsmer                                                                    

Education: 	from 2002 Tartu University, Public Administration                   
		2002	Tallinn University of Technology, Social Sciences                        
                1998	Tallinn Secondary Science School 

Career: 	from 2005   Tallinn City Councile, member                              
                from 2007   Elektriraudtee AS, member of Supervisory Board 
                from 2007   Muuseumiehituse SA, head of Supervisory Board 
                2005 - 2008 The State Chancellery of The Republic of Estonia,
                            Prime Minister's Counsel 
                2004 - 2005 Tallinn City Government, head of city district
                2003 - 2005 Tallinn City Government, counsel 
                2002 - 2003 Ministry of Justice, Minister's counsel 
                2001 - 2002 Tallinn City Councile Office, counsel

Marju Zirel
+372 631 8048

Sven Ratassepp
Public Relations Manager
+372 631 8064