TCBY, America'S Fro-Yo Pioneer, Acknowledges Google's Launch of the Android 2.2 Upgrade Called Fro-Yo

TCBY Plants Congratulatory Message in Field of Green at Google Headquarters

SALT LAKE CITY, UT--(Marketwire - August 4, 2010) - TCBY, the Country's Best Yogurt, was entertained when it learned that Google was using food names for the upgrades to its wildly popular Android phone, which is selling at the rate of 160,000 phones a day according to TechCrunch. With Cupcakes, Donuts and Eclairs already consumed by Google's earlier upgrades, the frozen yogurt innovator was thrilled to find out Google was taking a healthy position with its latest upgrade, fondly named "fro-yo" which releases this week. 

To show support for Google and its own effort to increase the consumption of probiotic-based fro-yo in America, TCBY wanted to send to Google Headquarters (AKA Googleplex) simply "The Country's Best Yogurt" to acknowledge the latest upgrade, which according to industry experts is loaded with new user features, new platform technologies, new developer services and new developer APIs. 

Feeding thousands of employees at Google's corporate campus was a nice idea, but TCBY wasn't sure if it could get 600 gallons of its amazingly popular fro-yo past security without a meltdown. Knowing Google has an appetite for green initiatives including clean energy and carbon footprint reduction, TCBY thought of a better idea -- a fresher, greener idea.

TCBY chose instead to plant (metaphorically speaking) 300 palettes of sod in the 20-plus acreage or nearly 450,000 square feet adjacent to the Googleplex and leave a congratulatory message that reads, "TCBY Frozen Yogurt... We Think the New Android 2.2 Fro-Yo Upgrade is Sweet!" An aerial of the before and after stunt was captured, of course, on Google Earth. 

Contact Information:

Media Contact:
Christy Olliff
Trevelino/Keller Communications Group
404-214-0722 Ext. 117