Green Planet Posts Shareholder Conference Call

SCOTTSDALE, Ariz., Sept. 2, 2011 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Green Planet Group, Inc. (OTCBB:GNPG) announced today that it recorded the shareholder conference call from yesterday and has stored it on the Green Planet Group website. This was done in response to numerous shareholder requests.

To listen to the conference call, click on and select the playback option.

Edmond L Lonergan, President/CEO stated, "We have recorded this live conference call and we invite all interested parties to listen and to get an update regarding the current status and growth strategies of Green Planet. Thanks to all shareholders that participated."

Green Planet Group, Inc. (OTCBB:GNPG) is based in Scottsdale, Arizona and engages in ongoing research and development to create products and services that enhance our environment. The Company's revenues are currently derived from the production and distribution of fuel-based energy conservation and clean-air products, as well as through the placement of members of the growing ranks of the unemployed into meaningful "green collar" careers. For additional information, please visit

SAFE HARBOR: Certain information included herein may contain statements that are forward-looking, such as statements relating to plans for future expansion and other business development activities. Such forward-looking information is subject to changes and variations which are not reasonably predictable and which could significantly affect future results.


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