Right On Interactive Expands Lifecycle Marketing Platform Tools With Enhanced Landing Pages and Forms

INDIANAPOLIS, IN--(Marketwire - Mar 28, 2012) - Right On Interactive ( http://www.rightoninteractive.com ), which offers a lifecycle marketing automation software solution that helps organizations win, keep and grow customers, has added landing page and form functionality enhancements to its ROI Customer Lifecycle Marketing™ solution. The enhancements make it easier for marketers to engage with customers and prospects.

Right On Interactive's landing page builder enables users to quickly create simple or complex landing pages that automatically track identified website visitor activity. ROI landing pages are hosted by the ROI platform and can easily be embedded on any external site.

Right On Interactive's form builder enables users to create forms in order to collect data from online sources, including emails, landing pages and websites. Captured data is immediately stored in the ROI platform, where it is associated with an existing or new contact, and can be leveraged to trigger communications and personalized marketing campaigns.

ROI landing page and form builders utilize WYSIWYG and HTML editors for easy content creation. There is no need for analytics code on forms or landing pages; all form data flows seamlessly in the ROI platform.

Find more information on Right On Interactive's landing page and form builders at http://www.rightoninteractive.com.

About Right On Interactive
Right On Interactive is a lifecycle marketing automation software company that helps organizations win, keep and grow business. Right On Interactive's solution drives prospect and customer engagement throughout the entire lifecycle of an individual's or organization's relationship with a brand. Right On Interactive serves clients of all sizes in various industries, with a focus on the technology, finance and retail sectors. Founded in 2006, Right On Interactive is privately held and is headquartered in Indianapolis. For more information, visit http://www.rightoninteractive.com or follow on Twitter @roi_marketing.

Contact Information:

For information contact:

Mara Conklin

Linda Muskin