Aldata Solution Oyj, Stock Exchange Release, 30 May 2012 at 10.30 p.m. (EET)


Shareholders  of Aldata  Solution Oyj  are invited  to attend the Annual General
Meeting  to be held on Wednesday, 20 June 2012 at 4 pm EET. The meeting shall be
held  at the  Company's premises  in Espoo,  Finland, address:  Polaris Business
Park,   Capella   Building,  Itsehallintokuja  6, 02600 Espoo.  Registration  of
participants shall begin at 3.15 pm EET.

A. Matters on the Agenda of the Annual General Meeting

 1. Opening of the Meeting and Election of the Chairman

 2. Calling the Meeting to Order

 3. Election of the Scrutinizers of the Minutes and the Supervisors for Counting
the Votes

 4. Legality of the Meeting

 5. Recording the Attendance at the Meeting and Adoption of the List of Votes

 6. Presentation of the Annual Accounts, the Report of the Board of Directors
and the Auditor's Report for the Year 2011

- Review by the CEO

 7. Adoption of the Annual Accounts

 8. Resolution on the Use of the Result Shown on the Balance Sheet and the
Payment of Dividend

The Board of Directors proposes to the Annual General Meeting no dividend be
distributed for the financial year 2011 and the result for the year be carried
forward to the retained earnings account.

 9. Resolution on the Discharge of the Members of the Board of Directors and the
Chief Executive Officer from Liability

 10. Resolution on the Remuneration of the Members of the Board of Directors and
the Auditor

Symphony  Technology II-A, L.P. the majority shareholder owning more than 90 per
cent  of  the  shares  in  the  Company,  proposes the Annual General Meeting to
approve  the following compensation  to be paid  to the members  of the Board of
Directors  being independent from  the Company's majority  shareholder until the
close of the next Annual General Meeting:

  * EUR  1,000 in  a  month  and  EUR  1,000 per  each  meeting  of the Board of
    Directors, whether in person or by telephone, lasting over 10 minutes.

The  members  of  the  Board  of  Directors  who  are dependent on the Company's
majority  shareholder are  proposed not  to be  paid any  fees related  to their
membership in the Board of Directors.

Symphony Technology II-A, L.P., the majority shareholder owning more than 90 per
cent  of the shares in the Company,  proposes to the Annual General Meeting that
the  Auditor to be chosen  shall be remunerated in  accordance with a reasonable
invoice presented by him/her.

 11. Resolution on the Number of the Members of the Board of Directors

Symphony Technology II-A, L.P., the majority shareholder owning more than 90 per
cent  of the shares in the Company,  proposes to the Annual General Meeting that
the number of members of the Board of Directors remains the same, i.e. four (4).

 12. Election of the Members of the Board of Directors

Symphony Technology II-A, L.P., the majority shareholder owning more than 90 per
cent  of the shares in the Company,  proposes to the Annual General Meeting that
the  present members of the Board of  Directors, Mr. Aarne Aktan, Mr. William F.
Chisholm,  Ms.  Michele  Fitzpatrick  and  Mr.  Bertrand Sciard be re-elected as
members  of the  Board of  Directors. The  term of  office of  the new  Board of
Directors shall continue until the end of the next Annual General Meeting.

Of  the proposed directors Aarne Aktan,  Michele Fitzpatrick and Bertrand Sciard
are  independent from the Company's majority shareholder. William F. Chisholm is
dependent  on the  majority shareholder.  All the  proposed directors have given
their  consent to the re-election. More information  on the members of the Board
of Directors is available on the company's website

 13. Election of the Auditor

Symphony Technology II-A, L.P., the majority shareholder owning more than 90 per
cent  of the shares in  the Company, proposes to  the Annual General Meeting the
re-election of Ernst & Young Oy, Authorized Public Accounting Firm with Ms. Anne
Vuorio, Authorized Public Accountant, as the principal auditor.

14. Closing of the Meeting

B. Documents of the general meeting

The   proposals to be put  to the agenda of  the Annual General Meeting detailed
above,  together with this  invitation, shall be   available for consultation at
Aldata   Solution Oyj's  website at as  from 30 May 2012. Aldata
Solution  Oyj's Annual Report 2011 containing the Company's Financial Statements
and  Review of the Board  of Directors is available  on the Company's website at  Documents pertaining to the  financial statements and the Board
of  Directors'  proposals  with  appendices  shall  be on display for viewing by
shareholders  at the Company's premises, Polaris BusinessPark, Capella building,
Itsehallintokuja  6, 02600 Espoo, Finland  as from  30 May 2012 onwards. Printed
version  of the Annual  Report 2011 of Aldata  Solution Oyj is  available at the
Company's  head  office  and  at  the  Annual General Meeting. Annual Report and
copies  of the  aforementioned documents  and their  appendices shall be sent to
shareholders  on request. The  minutes of the  meeting will be  available on the
above mentioned website and at the company's premises as from 4 July 2012.

C. Instructions for the participants in the general meeting

 1. Shareholders registered in the shareholders' register

A  shareholder,  who/which  is  registered  as  the company's shareholder in the
shareholders'  register maintained by Euroclear  Finland Ltd. on 8 June 2012 has
the  right to participate  in the Annual  General Meeting.  A shareholder, whose
shares  are registered on his/her personal  book-entry account, is registered in
the shareholders register of the company.

A  shareholder  wanting  to  participate  in  the  Annual  General Meeting shall
register  at the latest on Friday, 15 June 2012 at 10 am EET either by e-mail to
address:,  by  phone  +358 40 536 5817 (from  Monday to
Friday  between 9:00 am and 4:00 pm EET) or by mail addressed to Aldata Solution
Oyj  /Legal Affairs, P.O. Box  266, 00101 Helsinki, Finland. The registration of
the participants shall begin on Thursday, 31 May 2012 at 9 am EET. In connection
with  the  registration  a  shareholder  shall  notify  his/her  name,  personal
identification  number, address,  telephone number  and the  name of  a possible
assistant.  All personal data provided to Aldata  Solution Oyj will only be used
for the purposes of the Annual General Meeting and in connection with processing
of the necessary registrations relating to the meeting.

 2. Holders of nominee registered shares

A  holder  of  nominee  registered  shares  has  the right to participate in the
general  meeting by virtue of  such shares, based on  which he/she on the record
date  of the  general meeting,  i.e. on   8 June  2012, would be  entitled to be
registered  in  the  shareholders'  register  of  the  Company held by Euroclear
Finland   Ltd.  The  right  to  participate  in the general meeting requires, in
addition,  that the shareholder on the basis  of such shares has been registered
into  the temporary shareholders' register held by Euroclear Finland Ltd. at the
latest  by  Friday,  15 June  2012 at  10 am  EET. As regards nominee registered
shares this constitutes due registration for the general meeting.

A  holder  of  nominee  registered  shares  is  advised to request without delay
necessary  instructions regarding the registration in the shareholder's register
of  the Company, the issuing of proxy documents and registration for the general
meeting  from his/her custodian bank. The account management organization of the
custodian bank will register a holder of nominee registered shares, who wants to
participate  in  the   general  meeting,  to  be  temporarily  entered  into the
shareholders' register of the company at the latest by the time stated above.

 3. Proxy representative and powers of attorney

A shareholder may participate in the Annual General Meeting and exercise his/her
rights   at   the   meeting  also  by  way  of  proxy  representation.  A  proxy
representative  shall produce a dated proxy  document or otherwise in a reliable
manner  demonstrate his/her  right to  represent the  shareholder at the general
meeting.  When a  shareholder participates  in the  general meeting  by means of
several  proxy  representatives representing  the   shareholder  with  shares at
different   securities accounts, the  shares by which  each proxy representative
represents  the shareholder   shall  be   identified  in   connection  with  the
registration  for the  general meeting.  Proxy documents  should be delivered in
originals  to  the  aforementioned  address  before  the  last  date and time of

 4. Other instructions and information

Pursuant  to chapter  5, section 25 of  the Companies  Act, a shareholder who is
present at the general meeting has the right to request information with respect
to the matters to be considered at the meeting.

On the date of this invitation Aldata Solution Oyj has a total of 68 768 395
shares and votes.

Aldata Solution Oyj

Board of Directors

Further information:

Investor relations, tel. +358 10 820 8000

About Aldata
Aldata is a global leader in retail and distribution optimization. Our software
and service solutions help retailers, distributors and manufacturers
dramatically improve their business performance. We optimize categories, space,
supply, logistics, and consumer engagement to increase our customers' revenue
and margins, reduce time, cost and waste, and enhance on-shelf availability,
service, and retention.
Founded in 1988, Aldata has an unparalleled track record of delivering
successful projects for the world's largest retail and consumer brands, national
wholesale and distribution organizations, and regional store chains. Aldata
Solution is a public company quoted on NASDAQ OMX Helsinki Ltd with the
identifier ALD1V.
Discover more about Aldata's customers, our solutions, and the multi-skilled
global team that supports them at

NASDAQ OMX Helsinki Ltd
