Settlement periods for the N2EX Day-ahead auction

Dear Member,

As you will be aware, an incident occurred this afternoon whereby a duplicate notification file was issued to ECVAA for trades delivering on the 3rd July. This file was previously notified as normal yesterday and has resulted in members receiving double positions in certain settlement periods for today’s delivery.

The ½ hour settlement periods impacted were periods 27-29 – corresponding to SAPRI trading hours 15 & 16.

As soon as we became aware of this an overwrite contract was submitted to ECVAA to correct the positions for periods 30 onwards. We have confirmed that these positions are now correct and that the Condico clearing station has been updated accordingly.

As a result of this incident the notification file due to be submitted to ECVAA for trades delivering on the 4th July has been halted. We expect to issue this file by approximately 16:00 BST and will inform members once this notification has taken place.

Further information will be sent to members impacted by this incident by email as soon as possible. This email will provide details of how any imbalance will be managed by N2EX.  

We would like to apologise for any inconvenience caused by this incident. Should you have any questions or wish to discuss this matter further, please contact us.


Kind Regards,


N2EX Trading operations

T 24/7: +44 207 065 8140  |  T: +47 6710 9190
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Vollsveien 17 B, P.O. Box 121, 1325 Lysaker, Norway


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