Annual Report 2015

  • Consolidated revenue totalled DKK 10,665 million, matching a growth rate of 14% or 7% in local currencies of which organic growth accounted for more than half.
  • Driven by the successful launch of Oticon’s Inium Sense platform, the Group saw an 8% organic growth rate in the wholesale of hearing aids in the second half-year, thereby exceeding the market growth rate.
  • The reported operating profit (EBIT) increased by 7% to DKK 1,878 million. The underlying profit increased by 8%, corresponding to an EBIT margin of 19.4% or an increase of 0.5 percentage point.
  • Cash flow from operating activities (CFFO) increased by 6% to DKK 1,592 million, corresponding to a continued high cash conversion ratio of 85% (CFFO/EBIT). Free cash flow grew by 8%, amounting to DKK 1,129 million.
  • At the end of the second quarter of 2016, Oticon will reach a landmark with the introduction of the first-ever dual-radio hearing aid, combining the audiological advantages of our new near field magnetic induction system for fast and ultra-low-power ear-to-ear communication and a 2.4 GHz system for streamer-free connectivity and programming. The completely new audiological platform delivers new groundbreaking technology and unmatched end-user benefits. The global launch will impact sales in the second half of the year.
  • In 2016, we expect to generate growth in all our business activities. We are guiding for an operating profit (EBIT) in the range of DKK 2.0-2.3 billion.


Annual Report 2015.pdf