Getinge publishes the Board’s proposal for resolution on the AGM 2016 regarding a long-term incentive program and the adopted performance condition

Today, Getinge publishes the Board’s complete proposal for resolution on the
Annual General Meeting 2016 regarding implementation of a long-term incentive
program (LTIP 2016). The proposal entails an amendment to the performance
conditions previously proposed. The amendment entails that the performance
condition for allotment of shares under the programme shall be based only on the
accumulated EPS* under the performance period for all participants.

The Board has simultaneously resolved that the performance condition for the
accumulated EPS, which includes the financial years 2016-2018, shall amount to
SEK 33 and that the minimum level for allotment shall be that 90 % of the
performance condition is reached and that the maximum level for allotment shall
be that the performance condition is exceeded with 10 % or more.

The performance condition is a target within the scope of the incentive
programme and shall not be interpreted as a forecast or a forward-looking

The Board’s complete resolution is available at the company and on the company’s
website, and will be sent to shareholders upon request.

*EPS = Earnings Per Share. Earnings per share before dilution are calculated by
dividing net profit for the year attributable to the Parent Company’s
shareholders by the weighted average number of shares outstanding during the

For more information, please contact:

Ulf Grunander
Senior Advisor & former CFO, Getinge Group
Telefon: 010-335 5580

Kornelia Rasmussen
Executive Vice President, Communications & Brand Mgmt, Getinge Group
Telefon: 010-335 5810

Getinge Group is a leading global provider of innovative solutions for operating
rooms, intensive-care units, hospital wards, sterilization departments, elderly
care and for life science companies and institutions. Getinge’s unique customer
offering mirrors the hospital’s organization and value chain, and the solutions
are used before, during and after the patients’ hospital stay. Based on first
-hand experience and close partnerships, Getinge provides innovative healthcare
solutions that improve every-day life for people, today and tomorrow.

