Resolutions at Getinge’s Annual General Meeting

At the Annual General Meeting of Getinge AB held on 30 March 2016, the following
was resolved.

Election of Board of Directors
Carl Bennet (Chairman), Johan Bygge, Cecilia Daun Wennborg, Carola Lemne, Alex
Myers, Malin Persson, Johan Stern and Maths Wahlström were re-elected as members
of the Board. Johan Malmquist was elected new member of the Board

Fees to the Board of Directors
It was resolved that remuneration to the Board of Directors shall amount to a
total of SEK 5,175,000 excluding remuneration for Committee work, of which SEK
1,150,000 to the Chairman and SEK 575,000 to each of the other Board members
elected by the Meeting who are not employees of Getinge Group. In addition
hereto, the Meeting resolved that work in the Audit Committee shall, unchanged,
be compensated with SEK 240,000 to the Chairman and SEK 120,000 to each of the
other members, while work in the Remuneration Committee work shall be,
unchanged, compensated with SEK 125,000 to the Chairman and SEK 92,000 to each
of the other members.

Election of auditors
The registered public accounting firm Öhrlings PricewaterhouseCoopers AB was re
-elected auditor of the company for a term of one year. The public accounting
firm has informed that Johan Rippe will be the principal auditor and Eric
Salander co-auditor. It was resolved that auditor fees shall be paid in
accordance with approved account.

In accordance with the proposal of the Board of Directors and the CEO, the
Annual General Meeting resolved to declare a dividend of SEK 2.80 per share. 1
April 2016 was determined as record date for dividend.

Guidelines for Remuneration to Senior Executives
The Annual General Meeting approved the proposal of the Board regarding
guidelines for remuneration to senior executives, which principally involve the
following. Remuneration and other terms and conditions of employment for senior
executives shall be based on market conditions and be competitive in all markets
where Getinge operates, to ensure that competent and skilful employees can be
attracted, motivated and retained. The total remuneration to senior executives
shall comprise basic salary, variable remuneration, pensions and other benefits.
The variable remuneration shall be limited and connected to predetermined and
measurable criteria elaborated with the purpose to promote the long-term added
value of the company. The Board shall retain the right to deviate from the
guidelines if motivated by particular reasons on an individual basis.

Amendments of the Articles of Association
The Annual General Meeting approved the proposal of the Board regarding
amendments to the Articles of Association, entailing that the Board shall, in
addition to any members who pursuant to Swedish law may be appointed other than
by a General Meeting of the Company, comprise of no fewer than three and no more
than nine members with a maximum of nine deputy members and that the term of the
auditor shall be one year.

Incentive program 2016
The Annual General Meeting resolved to approve the Board’s proposal regarding
the implementation of a long-term incentive program (LTIP 2016) and hedging
activities in view of the program through amendments of the Articles of
Association (entailing that the company shall be able to issue new convertible
and redeemable shares of series C with one (1) vote and not entitle to
dividends) and that the Board shall be authorised to resolve on a new share
issue of series C shares to a third party and the repurchase of such shares and
transfer of series B shares to the participants in the program.

The program comprises the CEO and the Getinge Executive Team involving
11 individuals, and additionally a maximum of 75 other senior executives and key
employees in Getinge Group. LTIP 2016 entails that the participants shall be
entitled to receive performance shares free of charge if the performance
condition has been fulfilled during the performance period (2016-2018). The
allotment of performance shares shall be based on the minimum level and the
maximum target level, respectively, as resolved by the Board, in relation to the
accumulated development of the EPS[1] (http://#_ftn1) during the performance
period. The accumulated EPS during the performance period shall amount to SEK
33. The minimum level for allotment shall be that 90% of the performance
condition is reached and the maximum level for allotment shall be that the
performance condition is exceeded with 10% or more.

The maximum number of performance shares that may be allotted under LTIP 2016
amounts to 439,390 Getinge shares of series B. The total cost for LTIP 2016,
including social security contributions, under the three year performance period
is estimated to amount to approximately MSEK 93.7, provided that the performance
condition is fully met.

For further information, please contact:

Alex Myers                                                     Pernille

CEO, Getinge Group                                      CFO, Getinge Group

Tel: +46 10 335 0000                                      Tel: +46 10 335 0000

E-mail:                  E-mail:

About Getinge Group
Getinge Group is a leading global provider of innovative solutions for operating
rooms, intensive-care units, hospital wards, sterilization departments, elderly
care and for life science companies and institutions. Getinge’s unique customer
offering mirrors the hospital’s organization and value chain, and the solutions
are used before, during and after the patients’ hospital stay. Based on first
-hand experience and close partnerships, Getinge provides innovative healthcare
solutions that improve every-day life for people, today and tomorrow.

Getinge AB discloses the information herein in accordance with the Swedish
Securities Market Act and/or the Financial Instruments Trading Act. The
information was submitted for publication on 30 March 2016 at 18.00 CET.


[1] (http://#_ftnref1) Earnings per share before dilution are calculated by
dividing net profit for the year attributable to the Parent Company’s
shareholders by the weighted average number of shares outstanding during the

