Media Advisory: Parliamentary Secretary William Amos to announce funding for college research infrastructure

TROIS-RIVIÈRES, Quebec, Feb. 09, 2020 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Canada Foundation for Innovation

William Amos, Parliamentary Secretary to the Minister of Innovation, Science and Industry (Science) will be at the Cégep de Trois-Rivières to announce funding for colleges across Canada.

Mr. Amos will be joined by the Canada Foundation for Innovation’s Vice-President, External Relations and Communications, Pierre Normand.

Following the announcement, media are welcome to join Mr. Amos as he meets with scientists showcasing their research.

Media are asked to arrive at least 15 minutes early.

Date: February 10, 2020

Time: 1:30 p.m. EST

Location: Centre de métallurgie du Québec
3095, Rue Westinghouse
Parc Industriel Des Hautes-Forges
Trois-Rivières (Québec) G9A 5E1

For more information:

Malorie Bertrand
Media Relations and
Social Media Specialist
Canada Foundation for Innovation
C: 613-227-0198 
Véronique Simard
Press Secretary
Office of the Minister of Innovation, Science and Industry
O: 343-291-1710