Nerve Control 911 Reviews: PhytAge Labs Advanced Ingredients Formula

Dallas, TX , Nov. 19, 2020 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Nerve Control 911 is a brain and nerve-calming health formula made with several natural active ingredients designed to penetrate the body and mitigate a host of pain-related issues that can be caused by certain enzymes present within our circulatory channels.

As the human body crosses 55, it can begin to experience neural degeneration that can lead to unwanted side effects such as loss of sensation, stinging pain in one's legs/arms, and reduced pain threshold. However, with medical science and research making strides over the past couple of decades, there is enough scientific data to suggest that certain natural compounds, taken in controlled doses, can allow users to optimize their neural operations regardless of their age.

According to the official website, Nerve Control 911 could help reduce the number of problems such as numbness, throbbing pain, and burning related sensations in the body. Read on to learn more about Never Control 911 and if it is an appropriate alternative to combat nerve damage for you.

A Closer Look at the Phytage Nerve Control 911

As the name seems quite to suggest, Nerve Control 911 is a neural optimizer that comes laden with several efficacious herbs and natural ingredients that have been clinically shown to penetrate specific damaged areas in our nerve channels to repair them. Furthermore, according to the official product website, the ingredients contained in the mix can alter the inner working of the central nervous system (CNS) – thus allowing users to get rid of certain sensations that are caused due to nerve damage.

According to the official website, one of the most crucial aspects of Nerve Control 911 is that it tackles the root problem associated with most nerve issues – i.e., tissue, cell damage – rather than merely containing any pain-related sensations circulating within our bodies. Some of the other core facets of the supplement include:

(i) Increases ingredient bioavailability: The formula has been designed to help maximize the body's ability to absorb vital nutrients present in Nerve Control 911 so that it can promote quick healing.

(ii) Inflammation: According to the official website, the formula in Nerve Control 911 has the potential to mitigate inflammatory issues, which, if left unchecked, can get compounded over the years, thus leading to several serious health problems later down the line.

(iii) Pain Problems: As mentioned earlier, the ingredients contained in Nerve Control 911 have been shown to eliminate several burning, tingling sensations that a lot of people (especially those over the age of 65) tend to suffer from as a result of compromised nerve health.

(iv) Natural Formula: Unlike several chemically synthesized supplements that come loaded with unhealthy chemical derivatives, Phytage Nerve Control 911 has been made using natural ingredients, the body can easily digest. Not only that, the product is free of any binders, fillers, and other similar additives that tend to accumulate in our circulatory and digestive channels (primarily as a result of things like unhealthy eating, smoking, drinking, etc.). Lastly, Nerve Control 911 can be purchased online without a doctor's prescription despite its potent ingredients.

(v) Easy to Consume: Nerve Control 911 comes in the form of pills that need to be consumed in the morning along with lukewarm water.

Why Choose Phytage Nerve Control 911?

Prevents Pain Caused by the Cox-2 Enzyme

As some may be aware, COX-2 is an enzyme that has been shown to cause inflammation in the human body. Most pain-relief medicines sold over the counter these days contain chemical derivatives that can alleviate this enzyme's harmful effects.

That being said, most common anti-inflammatories such as ibuprofen also block out COX-1 receptors that can result in health issues later down the line (since the enzymes are known to protect one's stomach lining well as maintaining the user's renovascular functions).

When taken regularly, Phytage Nerve Control 911 allows users to mitigate the adverse effects of COX-2 enzymes naturally. However, since all of the supplement's ingredients are natural, users may not have to worry about adverse side effects.

PGE-2 Containment

Another way in which Nerve Control 911 helps the body is by managing the release of a lipid compound known as Prostaglandin E-2 (PGE-2). This chemical is usually released by our bodies when we perform strenuous activities like jogging, running, working out, etc. However, PGE-2, when present in our joints and muscles for extended periods, can result in excruciating pain and the degeneration of joint/connective tissue.

5-LOX Blockage

Much like COX-2, 5-LOX is also considered a chemical derivative that causes inflammation in the human body. However, due to research regarding the compound being reasonably limited at this point, a lot of today's existing pain-relief medication is not effective in controlling the production of 5-LOX.

Elimination of TNF-Alpha and iNOS

Simply put, one can think of TNF-Alpha as being a cytokine derivative that helps propagate inflammation-based health problems. Studies have also shown that TNF-Alpha can slowly degrade our bones/tissues, and in some cases, even cause chronic joint and back problems.

According to the official website, When taken routinely, Nerve Control 911 can reduce this harmful cytokine production within just a couple of days.

Similarly, iNOS – short for inducible nitric oxide synthase – can be thought of as an enzyme responsible for producing nitric oxide (NO) in our bodies. For those of our readers who may not be aware, Nitric Oxide is one of the essential compounds in our bodies responsible for inflammation.

Other benefits of taking Nerve Control 911 include:

The supplement may help control the development and fostering of unhealthy blood proteins called NF Kappa B (NF-kB). For those of our readers who aren't aware, NF-kB has been found to help promote several unhealthy conditions such as asthma, allergies, muscular/tissue inflammation.

What Are The Ingredients In Phytage Nerve Control 911 Contain?

Phytage Nerve Control 911 Ingredients

(i) California Poppy: California Poppy is a natural herb widely used across North and South America to treat problems like insomnia, aches, nervous agitation, etc. Not only that, several recent studies have shown that the herb can also be users to counter issues such as:

  • Nerve Pain
  • Blood Vessel-related ISsues
  • Brain Fox, Anxiety, Loss of Focus

(ii) Corydalis Yanhusuo: This is a herbal plant extract that contains copious amounts of a medicinal agent called dehydrocorybulbine (DHCB). DHCB is known to be efficacious and can be used to alleviate several inflammatory and neuropathic problems in one's body in a highly straightforward manner. Yanhusuo also contains specific nutrients that have been found to relax our muscles and promote deep sleep.

(iii) Passion Flower: This is a natural flower extract that helps alleviate nerve stress and allows users to navigate negative mind states effortlessly. Furthermore, Passion Flower has also been found to help users with other things like:

  • Relief from nervousness, anxiety, and muscular stress
  • Promotion of deep, restful sleep
  • Reduction of pain

(iv) Prickly Pear: Also referred to as Nopal in the East, this plant has been used for centuries by several indigenous tribes to prepare various herbal medicines. It is known for starters to help treat diabetes, obesity, and specific cholesterol-related problems.

Not only that, a whole host of recent scientific data suggests that Prickly Pear can be extremely useful in curing a wide array of inflammation problems as well since it contains large volumes of efficacious antioxidative agents.

(v) Marshmallow Root: As some of our readers may be aware, Marshmallow is commonly used for treating inflammation thanks to its high content of a gelatinous medicinal compound called mucilage.

How To Buy Phytage Nerve Control 911?

The easiest way to place an order is via the official company website. Pricing and discount related deals have been listed there. At press time, there are a few free shipping options that users can avail of.

1 Bottle For $69.95

2 Bottles For $119.90

4 Bottles for $199.80 

Lastly, every purchase comes with a 90-day money-back guarantee if users aren't entirely satisfied with the product's quality. Payments can be made via a host of safe and secure methods such as PayPal, Mastercard, Visa, AMEX, and Discover.

Any purchase done from this story is done at your own risk.

Consult a qualified professional before any such purchase. Any purchase done from these links is subject to the final terms and conditions of the website's selling. The content on this release does not take any responsibility directly or indirectly.

Nerve Control 911 by Phytage Labs |

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