2020 Walter Owen Book Prize Winners Announced

OTTAWA, Feb. 02, 2021 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- The Canadian Foundation for Legal Research is pleased to announce Professor Pascal Fréchette, Faculté de droit, Université de Sherbrooke as the recipient of the first place $15,000 Walter Owen Book Prize 2020 [French Language], for La restitution des prestations (Éditions Yvon Blais).

On behalf of the Jury, Professor Martine Valois (Université de Montréal) reported that Professor Fréchette’s publication is “the first extensive study on the restitution of benefits in Quebec, a crucial sphere of Civil law.” The book has been cited by the Supreme Court of Canada and the Court of Appeal of Quebec. The Jury noted that it is “a masterly work.”

In second place is Le secret ministériel : théorie et pratique by Professor Yan Campagnolo, Faculté de droit, Université d’Ottawa (Presses de l’Université Laval), which is the first book “ever devoted to the study of Cabinet secrecy in Canada,” according to the Jury.

The Walter Owen Book Prize honors its namesake (1904–1981) who, in 1959, was the Foundation’s first President. The Foundation is dedicated to funding and recognizing exceptional legal scholarship in Canada.

In alternate years, the Prize is awarded to authors of French and English language books that incorporate theoretical breadth, depth and scholarship in addressing a legal doctrine subject of current interest. Books recognized must be, or harbour considerable potential to be, highly valued by Canada’s legal profession, judiciary and law faculties. Both Prize recipients satisfied these demanding criteria.

Michelle Ouellette, Q.C., Chair of The Canadian Foundation for Legal Research, applauds and conveys the Foundation’s gratitude for the signal achievement of each of the Walter Owen Book Prize winners. “Their books,” she said, “contribute invaluably to Canadian legal literature, and enrich legal discourse on the Bench, at the Bar, and in law faculties.”

For additional information about the Walter Owen Book Prize and The Canadian Foundation for Legal Research, please visit www.cflr-fcrj.ca.

Media contact:
Michelle J. Ouellette, Q.C.
McKercher LLP Barristers & Solicitors
374 Third Avenue South, Saskatoon, SK S7K 1M5
Phone: (306) 664-1344 | email: m.ouellette@mckercher.ca