GYDA will promote and support Wear Orange and March For Our Lives to co-host commemorative events

New York, NY, May 30, 2022 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- The Global Youth Development Alliance (GYDA) is a time-community and development platform for leading youth and community development organizations. The alliance hopes to build a bridge for communication between youth groups on a global scale. Promote the healthy development of young people and help young people fulfill their dreams.

GYDA continues to be active in creating good things for the world, but is also devastated by the ongoing shootings.

But it is fortunate and respectful that there are people who stand up and take action, which makes GYDA decide to unite their organization and support their action.

Wear Orange was created to honor the people who lost their lives to gun violence, Wear Orange hopes and raises public awareness of this crisis and has decided to hold a Wear Orange event from June 3rd to June 5th to honor the survivors activity. GYDA will work with the organization to promote the expansion of this event.For GYDA, this event is very important and worthy of attention.

GYDA has always supported the professional development of youth workers, empowering and guiding youth to participate in solidarity activities, and the current situation has made GYDA realize that they are not doing enough, so they chose to cooperate with March For Our Lives to further promote the cause they collectively recognize. Both GYDA and March For Our Lives believe the normalization of gun violence cannot continue. People must work together to create a safe and compassionate nation for all.

A peaceful but meaningful event will be lit by organizers on June 11 in Washington and various parts of the country. The transfer of resources through mutual aid is just one way for GYDA and March For Our Lives. Ultimately, it will aid and support young people who share the same vision as GYDA and March For Our Lives.Through the combined efforts of all, the desire to reduce gun violence and encourage young people to pursue their dreams can be brought closer.
Contact name: Bruce T, Kevin