Who: Dozens of daschunds will compete to be named the "top dog" in the third annual and wildly popular "Cincinnati USA Running of the Wieners" to get a jump on Cincinnati's Oktoberfest celebration. Each contestant will be provided its competition "race gear," a hot dog bun costume. What: The third annual "Cincinnati USA Running of the Wieners" builds excitement for the Opening Ceremonies of the Oktoberfest-Zinzinnati on Saturday, Sept. 19, 11:30 a.m. When: The third annual "Cincinnati USA Running of the Wieners" will be held on Friday, Sept. 18, noon. Where: Fountain Square, the heart of downtown Cincinnati Why: How many times a year do you get to write the word "wiener" into a script or story?About Oktoberfest-Zinzinnati On September 19 and 20, Cincinnati will transform into Zinzinnati USA as it hosts America's Oktoberfest. More than half-a-million herren und frauen will converge on a six-block area in the heart of downtown to eat, sing, mingle, sport lederhosen, listen to polka music, try to speak German and perform the Chicken Dance. Oktoberfest-Zinzinnati USA is considered the nation's preeminent Oktoberfest celebration and is the largest celebration of its kind in the country and second only to the original in Munich in the world. USA Today calls Oktoberfest-Zinzinnati one of the 10 best beer fests in America, and media outlets from AskMen.com to Better Homes & Gardens have lauded Oktoberfest-Zinzinnati as the place for an authentically-German good time. Hours are 11 a.m. to midnight on Saturday and 11 a.m. to 10 p.m. Sunday. Admission is free. For more information, visit www.OktoberfestZinzinnati.com B-roll and interview from the event is available at:
September 18, 2009 2:00-2:15 p.m. EDT Analog Feed AMC5 (78 West) K13V 36 MHz Downlink Frequency: 12096.0 Vertical 2:15-2:30 p.m. EDT Digital Feed AMC5 (78 West) K08H Channel A 9MHZ FEC: QPSK 3/4 Data Rate: 8.447974 Msps Symbol Rate: 6.1113 Downlink Frequency: 11912.5 Horizontal Uplink Truck Trouble #: 513-484-8241
Contact Information: Contact: Chris Kemper W: 513.579.3194 C: 513.746.6057 Jackie Reau W: 513.929.4263 C: 513.708.5822