"I am a Duchenne Dad" Online Community

NEWPORT BEACH, Calif.,, March 13, 2012 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Paul Miller, Cure Duchenne co-founder, announces the creation of the "I Am a Duchenne Dad" online community, a new Facebook group to connect with other dads and share information about supporting their sons with Duchenne muscular dystrophy.

"Many fathers of Duchenne sons are working full time to support their families, and then working full time to support their son’s health and physical limitations," said Miller. "I know there are many dads like me who would like to connect and talk about what works for us and learn what works for others in balancing the needs of our sons that are afflicted with Duchenne with the needs of our entire family."

The "I Am a Duchenne Dad" community will discuss positive ways to improve the lives of families such as:

  • Sharing creative activities that Duchenne boys can participate in
  • Improving your son’s health through physical therapy and nutrition
  • Increasing the father’s strength and endurance to be equipped to deal with the demands of a weakening child
  • Keeping up to date on research and finding ways to support research projects
  • Finding solutions to cope with the disease
  • Sharing spiritual support

If you are interested in sharing your experience as a Duchenne dad and learning from others, send a friend request to: https://www.facebook.com/#!/pfmiller

Miller began the Duchenne Dad blog back in 2004 and is now bringing it to the community as a Facebook page. Like all dads, Miller is hopeful that he can help his son achieve a happy and meaningful life and he looks forward to connecting with likeminded dads around the world. To read Miller’s most recent blog go to: http://www.cureduchenneblog.org/?p=487

