Yarmouth Veterinarian Educates Pet Owners About Pet Surgery Expectations

YARMOUTH, Maine, March 3, 2013 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- From advanced orthopedic surgery to emergency gastroplexy, Yarmouth Veterinary Center is educating pet owners about what to expect from pet surgery. The practice offers elective wellness care procedures, like spay/ neuter, as well as emergency surgical care. Whether a procedure is scheduled weeks in advance or happens at a moment's notice, veterinarian Dr. Louise LeBoeuf says that the practice follows detailed safety and pain management protocol. The center's team of veterinarians also works closely with each pet owner to support pets during the post-op recovery period.

Yarmouth veterinarian Dr. Louise LeBoeuf is educating pet owners about the different types of pet surgeries available, and what to expect before, during and after an operation.

"We recognize that any operation, even routine spay/neuter wellness care procedures, can be a stressful experience," said Dr. LeBoeuf. "By educating owners about what to expect, we can help them properly prepare. This makes the surgical experience far easier for both owners and their pets."

According to Dr. LeBoeuf, when it comes to elective wellness care pet surgeries like spay and neuter, pet owners should carefully consider the expertise, training and diagnostic tools available at an animal hospital. Dr. LeBoeuf stressed that clear safety protocols and advanced diagnostic technology, including endoscopy and laser therapy, can make a significant difference for a pet's well-being following surgery.

"At our veterinary hospital, we take safety very seriously," said Dr. LeBoeuf. "We follow strict protocols for monitoring a pet's vital signs during surgery. Pre-operative blood work is required for any pet that is receiving anesthesia. Whenever possible, we also utilize minimally invasive procedures, including endoscopy. Safety is our top priority."

Pet owners should also inquire as to whether pain management medication is available on-site for pets after their operations. For example, at Yarmouth Veterinary Hospital, the clinic's onsite pharmacy will fill prescriptions for veterinary pain management medication. Dr. LeBoeuf says this makes it easy to ensure that pets receive the right medication to manage any post-surgical pain from day one.

Prior to scheduled pet surgery, pet owners should restrict their pet's food intake starting 12 hours in advance. This limits the risk of complications should an unexpected allergic reaction to anesthesia occur.

Following a procedure, pets are typically kept at the hospital for several hours while the anesthesia wears off. For more advanced procedures, such as orthopedic surgery or emergency surgery, a pet may need to stay in medical boarding at the veterinary hospital overnight for continued observation.

"When selecting an animal hospital for surgery, the post-operative care is just as important as the actual procedure," said Dr. LeBoeuf. "Veterinarians should work closely with pet owners to create a post-op treatment plan for pets, including dietary changes, behavioral restrictions, and rehabilitative exercises, if necessary."

Pet owners may learn more about pet surgical procedures by visiting http://yarmouthvetcenter.com.

