VoicePort, LLC announces the launch of their Medication Synchronization Program and a new strategic partnership with Pharmacy Quality Solutions to offer their clients EQuIPP assessment tools

ROCHESTER, N.Y., Aug. 9, 2013 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- VoicePort, LLC announced today that they have launched their Medication Synchronization automated solution with two U. S. pharmacy chain clients and are in final stage negotiations with several others in support of helping pharmacies deliver increased patient health and wellness.    "Allowing pharmacy patients the opportunity to pick up multiple prescription medications once a month has shown to significantly improve a patients Proportion Days Covered on their medications," said Alphonse J. Sasso, Vice President of Business Development.  Sasso further commented, "When consumers stay adherent to their maintenance medications it translates to improved patient health outcomes while also increasing pharmacy sales and profits, a true, win/win solution."

 VoicePort's systems leverage a  front-end analysis tool to help pharmacies identify patients who qualify to participate, identifies what medication should be used to  anchor the synchronized refills  and also calculates the required short fills necessary to get each patient on a once a month pick up schedule .  Pharmacies are also supported through an automated calling system from VoicePort to enroll patients in the synchronization program, to schedule the pharmacist-patient counseling sessions, and to alert patients when their medications are ready for pick up. VoicePort also makes available back-end analytics tools to help measure pharmacy progress on keeping patients on schedule with their medications; a complete turn-key solution to help deliver greater patient health and wellness.

"Capitalizing on our technology and automation helps pharmacies to focus on their patients to offer added care and instruction," said Christopher J. Mann, President and CEO of VoicePort, LLC.   VoicePort's solutions are automated to complement our pharmacy partner's workflow to deliver added efficiencies and improved Medication Adherence for their client's pharmacy patients.  "We are very excited to have the chance to work with our North American clients to leverage our technology to improve the patients overall health and wellness," said Christopher Mann, President and CEO of VoicePort.   

VoicePort also announced today a new strategic partnership with Pharmacy Quality Solutions (PQS), a company that offers analytical measurement tools on key pharmacy performance metrics in support of Medicare Part D Star Rating measures.  The EQuIPPTM system from PQS offers neutral assessment of quality-related performance and lays a foundation for performance-based contracts and payment systems for pharmacy networks.   "Offering our clients these enhanced measurement analytic tools will allow them to track their performance on a consistent and standardized format as they roll out key pharmacy adherence and  clinical programs", " said Christopher Mann.  Mann further commented, "We are very excited to offer this added level of pharmacy collaboration in support of healthcare plans in an automated format to help measure progress on key metrics within the pharmacy.   

VoicePort's PharmaPhonetics® Patient solutions delivers cost-effective, automated, personalized, intelligent, and interactive unified communications that connects directly to the patients on behalf of the pharmacy.  Their services include prescription pick-up and refill reminder notifications, health awareness/medical therapy review messaging, patient counseling, translation, education, and instruction services, mobile applications focused for pharmacy or front end, automated web based appointment scheduling services and patient co-payment assistance programs.  The Unified Patient Communication platform enables permission based phone, text, e-mail, web and mobile notifications that are dynamically personalized to individual patients and their specific needs.  

About VoicePort

Founded in 2002, VoicePort has deployed applications at more than 500 customer sites in North America. Nuance, Genesys, voiceTech, Unwired Nation and Polyglot are our partners and top technology providers.  To find out more about our products and services, please visit www.voiceport.net.

VoicePort helps clients control cost and effectively communicate with customers and patients by using advanced speech recognition self-service technology to automate interactions. VoicePort develops configurable solutions for niche markets such as the media and pharmaceutical verticals PharmaPhonetics Patient Adherence, a patient medication compliance solution, and PharmaPhonetics® Speech Enabled Market Research (SEMR), which enables pharmaceuticals manufacturers to gain deep insights from hundreds of physicians. For information: http://www.voiceport.net

About PQS

Pharmacy Quality Solutions (PQS) is a joint venture of the Pharmacy Quality Alliance and CECity.  Its primary service, EQuIPP™, is a performance information management platform that makes unbiased performance data available to health plans and community pharmacy organizations. EQuIPP™ brings standardization to the measurement of the quality of medication use and makes this information accessible and easy to understand.

