Derivatives: Standardized Options Combinations Discontinued (25/14)

With the launch of Tailor Made Combinations (TMC) on March 17, 2014, NASDAQ OMX Derivatives Markets will stop creating standardized options combinations on the OMXS30 index as well as Ericsson B and Nokia shares. As of this date market participants will instead be able to create their own user-defined options combinations using the TMC functionality.

Please note that the change does not affect standardized time spreads combinations (including “the Roll”) on OMXS30, OMXSB, C20CAP and OMXO20 futures which will continue to be available.

For further information concerning this exchange notice please contact Joakim Fernlund or Mikael Siewertz, telephone +46 8 405 60 00.

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25_Standardized Options Combinations Discontinued.pdf