EventReviews.com Launches to Help Event-Goers Decide What Events are Worth Their While

About EventReviews.com: EventReviews.com is a social platform for users to read and write reviews combining expert, advocate, and crowd-sourced opinions to help event-goers make well-informed decisions quickly.

NEW YORK, June 24, 2014 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Event Reviews Inc. launches EventReviews.com, the first event review site that serves as a focal point for millions of active event-goers globally. The site already contains 2.5 million events in its database and adds 15,000 events daily.

The Ratings and Reviews industry recently gained traction due to its impact on businesses and consumer experience. "The market for reviews and ratings in the event and entertainment industry is vast and underdeveloped," says Christophe Vandaele, founder of EventReviews.com. He conceived EventReviews.com after comparing similar events without sufficient feedback as to which event was the best one to attend. There are ticketing sites such as Eventbrite that list events, but do not offer consumer feedback. Recommendation sites like UpOut are usually only hyper-local and lack reviews. Promoters and ticketing sites sponsor and recommend events but their reports are unreliable due to their affiliation. While crowd-sourced reviews of hotels, restaurants, and products are ubiquitous, reviews for events are still lagging.

Not only does EventReviews.com have all the expected and conventional review and rating functions, it also incorporates innovative features. The review function on EventReviews.com allows users to write a review of the event in the context of the specific venue it was held at. The site's search engine utilizes location-based event-grouping algorithms that collect and categorize events from numerous sources globally, thus producing search results that range from hyper-local to globally-known events. Reviews on the site are character-limited to keep the content concise, so decisions can be made quickly. Users can also view other members' EventReviews.com profiles, which directly link to their social media account facilitating transparent reviews and connections outside of the platform. Finally, EventReviews.com has additional features in development as well -- features like badges and user ranks will make the site even more interactive.

A syndicated study by eVOC Insights shows that 63% of consumers are more likely to purchase from a site that has user reviews. Venue owners and promoters can also benefit from the site through a widget that embeds reviews of an event directly to their websites, enabling reviews to fuel customer interest, leading to higher conversions. "The social connectivity EventReviews.com offers adds commercial value since suggestions from a consumer's social circle carry more significance," says Vandaele. Recommendations from consumer's friends and family are trusted 92% of the time, compared to the 58% from branded websites (Nielsen Global Trust in Advertising Survey, Q3 2011).

EventReviews.com's team hopes that beneficiaries will recognize the platform as an online tool and a convenient archive of views, reactions, and user experiences that not only increase convenience in daily life, but also build an indispensable community.

