GPI Announces Launch of First "RegMed Capital Conference" (RMCC) as Co-Located Meeting at the World Stem Cell Summit #WSCS14, San Antonio, Dec. 3-5, 2014

RMCC to Showcase Top Companies to Global Regenerative Medicine Investment Community

SAN ANTONIO, TEXAS, Oct. 2, 2014 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- The Genetics Policy Institute (GPI) announced that the first annual RegMed Capital Conference (RMCC) will be hosted as a co-located meeting at the 10th annual World Stem Cell Summit, December 3-5 at the Marriott Rivercenter in San Antonio, Texas.

The RegMed Capital Conference will be fully integrated into the Summit platform, providing attendees a complete 360-degree view of the Regenerative Medicine industry, stem cell science, clinical trials and regulation. This singular event brings together all facets of the financial industry: from investment banks, venture funds, law firms and other well-established stakeholders to individuals that desire to learn and invest more in this emerging market.
The RegMed Capital Conference will provide company presentations to the investment community, discussions related to funding sources, case studies, reimbursement strategies, intellectual property issues, start-up advice and critical information needed to take a company public. Also included are sessions presenting industry forecasts, investor advice, non-dilutive funding solutions, economic development incentives and public and private funding opportunities.
The conference includes a sophisticated on-site partnering forum powered by JuJama. This custom event platform and mobile app allows attendees to identify people they want to meet, ask for a meeting and have it automatically fit into their schedules.
Bernard Siegel, Executive Director of GPI, founder of the World Stem Cell Summit and the RMCC said, "The goal of the RegMed Capital Conference is to attract new investment into regenerative medicine companies. The event is a natural extension of the World Stem Cell Summit, a meeting and partnering platform that is advancing the field by facilitating global collaborations and public awareness. More than a decade of fostering basic research has resulted in a myriad of innovative companies and revolutionary technologies that are transforming global health and will become the 'silver bullet' to reversing crippling healthcare costs."
Siegel continued, "There is a huge unmet need to attract capital investment to this emerging field and a world of opportunity for investors. Proportionately, there is a great need within the financial industry to learn more about the entire and intricate regenerative medicine ecosystem. Creating a co-located meeting, as an integral part of the World Stem Cell Summit, will open up the industry to an array of new investors and funding opportunities. WSCS14 is an established event in its 10th year, heavily covered by the media, making it a premier showcase for advanced technologies and perfect environment for fostering success."
Serving as sponsoring partner of the RegMed Capital Conference is Keiretsu Forum Southern California, a regional group within the world's largest network of accredited investor members. Randy Williams founded Keiretsu Forum in 2000, in the San Francisco Bay Area. Now with 33 chapters on three continents and over 1,100 accredited investor members, Keiretsu Forum is the world's largest by-invitation angel investor network.  More than $465 million has been invested into technology, consumer products, Internet, healthcare, life sciences and real estate companies in the Keiretsu Forum Network. Keiretsu Forum's community is strengthened through education on angel investing, as well as charitable giving.

Connie Koch Harrell, President of Keiretsu Forum Southern California, LLC stated that, "Life Sciences is an important area of interest to our investment community. We are so pleased to be part of the RegMed Capital Conference at the World Stem Cell Summit. The RMCC will provide the necessary context for Keiretsu Forum members to take advantage of the immense opportunities offered by this emerging field. The event will surely be a transformative gathering for information exchange and investment."
Scott Gottlieb, M.D. is Managing Director of T.R. Winston & Company, a merchant and investment banking firm. He previously served as Deputy Commissioner for Medical and Scientific Affairs with the U.S. Food and Drug Administration and as a Senior Advisor to the Administrator of the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS). Dr. Gottlieb said, "RegMed Capital Conference is an excellent opportunity for the investment community to interact with regenerative medicine industry leaders. We believe in the clinical and investment potential of regenerative medicine. The RegMed Capital Conference at the 2014 World Stem Cell Summit will provide for a superlative networking venue that will foster numerous partnering and investment opportunities."

Gregory Bonfiglio, the Managing Partner of Proteus Venture Partners and Chairman of the Board of Centre for Commercialization for Regenerative Medicine (CCRM) expressed support for RegMed Capital Conference. "As a regular program participant at the World Stem Cell Summit, I believe that the addition of the RMCC will add a welcome new dimension, attracting an expanded audience of capital investors. Proteus is delighted to sponsor and I am personally pleased to be part of this valuable program."

Dr. Paul Castella, senior managing partner in the San Antonio-based Targeted Technology Fund stated, "Our fund is very pleased to serve as a sponsor to the RegMed Capital Conference. We have already invested in a promising new company commercializing stem cell advances and have our eye on other emerging companies. We recognize regenerative medicine as the future of medicine. The entire Texas investor community is keen to attend and support this stellar event."
The 10th annual World Stem Cell Summit (WSCS14) will be held in conjunction with the RegMed Capital Conference at the Marriott Rivercenter, San Antonio, Texas, December 3-5. Attendees of the Summit and RegMed Capital Conference pay the same registration fees and can freely attend all programs, exhibitions, poster forum and networking events at the co-located meeting.
About Genetics Policy Institute (GPI): The Genetics Policy Institute is a 501(c)3 non-profit that supports stem cell research to develop therapeutics and cures. GPI pursues its mission by producing the World Stem Cell Summit, honoring community leaders through the Stem Cell Action Awards, publishing the peer-reviewed World Stem Cell Report with Mary Ann Liebert Publishers, organizing educational initiatives and fostering strategic collaborations. GPI maintains offices in Florida, California and Washington, D.C. For more information about GPI, visit
About World Stem Cell Summit: The annual World Stem Cell Summit (#WSCS14) is the flagship meeting of the international stem cell community. The 10th Annual World Stem Cell Summit is organized by Genetics Policy Institute (GPI), The University of Texas Health Science Center at San Antonio, Mayo Clinic, Kyoto University Institute for Integrated Cell-Material Sciences (iCeMS), BioBridge Global, Baylor College of Medicine and the Regenerative Medicine Foundation. The goal of the Summit is to accelerate the discovery and development of lifesaving cures and therapies, bringing global stakeholders together to solve global challenges. The Summit forges collaborations to advance cell therapies, while creating a supportive environment of regulation, legislation, financing, reimbursement and patient advocacy. Register and become a sponsor at For more information about the first annual RegMed Capital Conference at WSCS14, visit Follow @WSCSummit on Twitter.
For information about sponsoring or attending the RegMed Capital Conference at the World Stem Cell Summit, contact Alan Fernandez at (650) 847-1640 or email

