Career Resilience is the Name of the Game in a Disrupted Age, According to Rob Livingstone

SYDNEY, Australia, Oct. 27, 2014 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Getting a personal grip on how fast-changing technology and globalization is reshaping the employment landscape is at the heart of a new guide and tool-kit helping employees become more adaptable and resilient to change within their careers.

"The combined effects of globalization and technology disruption have costly implications for many industries and professions, affecting both sides of the employer/employee divide," says Rob Livingstone.

Innovation driving disruption in workplaces may be no secret, but IT academic, industry advisor, technology commentator and writer Rob Livingstone believes the mindset of many employees isn't keeping up. "In most sectors workers are increasingly vulnerable to job loss and competition for the few jobs where their abilities may still be relevant."

"It's much more important these days for individuals to think in terms of career security. It calls for individuals to be more actively and constantly aware of the forces influencing their industry, to be far more strategic in understanding the opportunities and risks in their profession and to have a long-term sense of direction.

"Employees need to think of themselves and their careers as if it were a business enterprise – that must be evolved, grown, sometimes re-directed and above all – protected."

In his latest book Direction through Disruption, Rob Livingstone draws together insights and observations gained as an employee, an executive-level employer, a postgraduate university lecturer, industry advisor and mentor. From his experiences working across industries heavily impacted by disruptive technologies, he has devised a detailed guide for people who want to have more control over their circumstances and which can help managers foster skilled, connected and resilient teams.

"Success for employers today lies in identifying resilient job seekers who demonstrate the ability to adapt, to diversify their skills, to be coachable and able to anticipate change with its new opportunities. Success for employees means becoming such a person, taking personal charge, being their own leader, setting their own direction, being ready."

Direction through Disruption:

  • Maps the disruptive forces of globalization and technology-led innovation;
  • Challenges conventional views of employment;
  • Provides the tools and a framework on which to build career resilience;
  • Offers insights on how to plan and act to adapt, survive and thrive in uncertain times.

Direction through Disruption is available in both paperback and eBook formats at as well as through Amazon.

About Rob Livingstone

Rob Livingstone is a fellow of the University of Technology, Sydney (UTS) Faculty of Engineering and Information Technology, (Australia) and consults widely to industry. His professional experience spans over three decades in the corporate sector as a manager and strategist, with the past 16 spent as CIO in multinationals based in the Oceania region. Rob has held strategic advisory, executive and operational roles locally and internationally. He is also author of Navigating through the Cloud.

