Webcloak Launches Kickstarter Campaign to Provide "Simple, Secure & Anonymous" Internet Experience

Webcloak is a Consumer-Ready, Self-Contained USB Device That Allows Users to Anonymously and Safely Browse the Web With No Risk of Viruses, Data or Identity Theft

IRVINE, Calif., Nov. 19, 2014 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Webcloak revealed today a state-of-the-art USB device that provides a self-contained Internet environment that gives users the ability to anonymously browse the Internet without risk of viruses, data theft or identity theft. This easy-to–use device does not require users to download software, or rely upon third party networks, such as Tor. A Webcloak Kickstarter campaign also launched today to raise funds to finalize the device, begin production and other corporate purposes.

"There's one thing that all Internet users have in common regardless of who they are and where they come from," said Martin Dawson, founder and chief technology officer of Webcloak. "No one wants to be hacked or spied on, and that's why I'm very excited about the Webcloak device. After years of development we have succeeded in creating a completely safe and anonymous Web experience, coupled with additional tools to keep your most important passwords, account numbers and files secure. I'm proud to say Webcloak provides total online safety and anonymity."

Webcloak is a small USB device with a distinctive form factor containing a technical architecture that creates an impenetrable barrier between a client machine and the Web. With a combination of proprietary hardware, encryption, and secure access software, Webcloak provides a physical shield that allows users to safely browse the Internet with no risk of viruses, data theft, or identity theft, essentially rendering them invisible. Featuring a proprietary configuration of hardware and software, Webcloak not only protects a user's computer from Internet threats, but also protects it from hostile applications by stopping any incoming access to the host machine. Webcloak does not install any software on the computer it is plugged into. When the user shuts down Webcloak there is no trace of it or the user's Internet activity left behind.

The device encases an "Internet desktop" running a proprietary virtual operating system. By plugging Webcloak into your computer, it forms a "machine within the machine," but unlike conventional browsing, with Webcloak, the Web is not able to identify or access your computer in any way, shape or form. Webcloak protects information as it travels to and from the Internet using its SafeChannel message encryption system. All data is encrypted using a customized version of AES (Advanced Encryption Standard) 256-bit encryption which is rated by the National Security Agency as top secret level encryption, their highest rating.

The product offers three main features: SafeVault, SafeKeeper and SafeWeb. SafeVault is a secure, encrypted drag and drop file store that allows users to securely keep their most important files with them wherever they go with the protection of top secret level encryption. SafeKeeper is a secure, encrypted password keeper that allows users to store all passwords and account numbers on a Webcloak device. SafeWeb includes a customized browser that uses its encrypted communications system along with additional security features to create a safe, secure and anonymous browsing environment. Webcloak works without the need to reboot the computer; once it is plugged in it begins working right away.

Identity theft, fraudulent transactions, lost productivity and stolen photos are major and growing issues in Internet security. According to the Federal Trade Commission, identity theft and fraudulent transactions now cost individuals and companies more than $80 billion annually in the U.S. alone. It is estimated that more than 50 percent of computers are currently infected by at least one virus, malware, or spyware program . Webcloak aims to protect users against these threats.

Webcloak was created by Dawson, who has software development experience that spans over 30 years and includes the creation of the first Internet interactive streaming media products, LearnFlow and Xstream Media. He created the first practical audio delivery technology that enabled streaming audio and the viewing of rich multi-media content over the Internet. Dawson has pioneered the technologies for delivering automated software updates over the Internet, and for delivering interactive media to web browsers.


