Elanders AB : Year-end Report 2014

January - December

  * Net sales increased by 78 % and amounted to MSEK 3,730 (2,096).
  * The operating result excluding one-off items increased to MSEK 217 (132),
    which is an improvement of 64 % over last year.
  * The operating result including one-off items increased to MSEK 175 (131).
  * The result before tax excluding one-off items increased to MSEK 182 (103),
    which is an improvement of 77 % over last year.
  * The result before tax including one-off items increased to MSEK 140 (102).
  * The net result increased to MSEK 88 (70) or SEK 3.48 (2.99) per share.
  * Operating cash flow was MSEK -38 (50). Excluding acquisitions operating cash
    flow amounted to MSEK 216 (153).
  * The new issue which was carried out in the second quarter was oversubscribed
    and generated MSEK 121 after issue costs.
  * The Board proposes a dividend increase of 38 % compared to 2013 amounting to
    SEK 1.10 (0.80) per share.

The fourth quarter

  * Net sales increased by 84 % to MSEK 1,099 (598).
  * The operating result excluding one-off items increased to MSEK 108 (60),
    which is an improvement of 80 % over the same period last year.
  * The operating result including one-off items increased to MSEK 71 (54).
  * The result before tax excluding one-off items increased to MSEK 100 (53),
    which is an improvement of 89 % over the same period last year.
  * The result before tax including one-off items amounted to MSEK 62 (47).
  * The net result amounted to MSEK 45 (35) or SEK 1.70 (1.49) per share.
  * Operating cash flow increased to MSEK 175 (104).

Further information can be found on Elanders' website www.elanders.com or
requested via e-mail info@elanders.com.

Questions concerning this report can be addressed to:

Magnus Nilsson
President and CEO
Phone: +46 31 750 07 50

Andréas Wikner
Chief Financial Officer
Phone: +46 31 750 07 50

Elanders AB (publ)
(Company ID 556008-1621)
P.O. Box 137
SE-435 23 Mölnlycke, Sweden
Phone: +46 31 750 00 00

The information in this press release has been made public according to the
Swedish Securities Market Act and/or the Swedish Financial Instruments Trading
Act. This information was published on 27 January 2015.


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2015-01-27 Elanders Press release Q4 2014.pdf