Source : IFC Markets

IFC Markets Launches a New Group of CFDs on Commodity Futures

IFC Markets launches new group of trading instruments - CFDs on Commodity futures, which include Copper, Natural Gas, Oil, Sugar, Cocoa and many other commodities. Trading conditions of these instruments do not differ from other instrument types

LONDON, UK, Jan. 28, 2015 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- via PRWEB - IFC Markets offers CFDs on Oil Futures, particularly Brent Oil, WTI, Heating Oil, CFDs on Natural Gas, Copper Futures, Grain Futures including Corn, Oats, Wheat, Soybeans, as well as other agricultural commodities like Soybean Meal, Orange Juice, Sugar, Cocoa, Coffee, Live Cattle, Feeder Cattle and Cotton. Trading conditions of the instruments do not differ from other instruments, provided by the company. The instruments are available on MetaTrader 4 trading terminal.

Traders can gain exposure to highly liquid and dynamic oil markets by trading the CFDs on Brent Oil and WTI Oil Futures. The global economic and geopolitical developments combine to provide a very dynamic framework where oil prices are set and investors can trade their knowledge of fundamentals driving the oil markets to benefit from crude oil price fluctuations. Trading Heating oil also provides ample profit opportunities as the interplay of changing weather conditions, available production capacity and inventories results in price fluctuations that investors can speculate on.

Copper is another commodity the price of which fluctuates with changes in global economic growth trends and investors can trade their knowledge of global economic developments to benefit from price fluctuations. Increased price fluctuations in agricultural commodities also provide an opportunity for investors to benefit from their knowledge of changing supply and demand dynamics influenced by both natural conditions like weather as well as regional and geopolitical events. Particularly, the price fluctuations in wheat, corn and soybean markets as a result of multiple factors affecting supply such as changes in sowings and varying yields in major producer areas due to unpredictable weather conditions make futures on grains and soft commodities attractive financial instruments for profitable trading.

Fluctuations in cocoa prices due to uncertain global cocoa production and shifting consumption patterns also provide opportunities for earning profit by trading cocoa futures. Coffee is another agricultural commodity with volatile prices due to changing weather conditions in leading producer countries, providing the investors an opportunity to earn profits by speculating on price fluctuations.

To summarize, IFC Markets also provides Continuous CFDs on Commodities, which provides clients with an opportunity to trade without expiration dates. The formula of continuous CFDs has been designed by the company in order make the trading process much easier and comfortable for clients. Due to this type of instruments traders can hold their positions as long as they want thus realizing their long – term trading strategies, without having to reopen their positions. This also contributes to more accurate technical analysis, as the chart is much deeper than the ordinary future. In addition, the instruments under this group are convenient for creating a PCI for the same reasons, mentioned above.

About IFC Markets:

IFC Markets is a leading innovative financial company, offering private and corporate investors wide set of trading and analytical tools. The company provides its clients with Forex and CFD trading through its own-generated trading platform NetTradeX, which is available on PC, iOS, Android and Windows Mobile. The platform is available in 15 languages. The company also offers MT4 platform available on PC, Mac OS, iOS and Android. The main priority of the company is to provide highly competitive services, traditional and totally innovative trading and analytical solutions. Today IFC Markets is one of the best global CFD brokers in the market, supporting traders in multiple languages.

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