INNO-APPS Beijing Competition Was Successfully Held, Helping Chinese APPs to be Exported to the World

BEIJING, April 2, 2015 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- On 21st March 2015, INNO-APPS Beijing started the Good Apps Exporting Campaign. The first prize of this competition was Fotor Photo Editor. The winning team got a prize containing overseas advertising resources and cloud service resources worth 1 million CNY. Fotor will be able to get another 500,000 overseas users users for international expansion with this prize.

21st March makes the final day for INNO-APPS Beijing. After 3 months of collecting and selecting, there were 16 nominees left. After a full roadshow of the 16 teams, Fotor Photo Editor got the first prize; Shise, Myshare wallpaper, Amber Weather got the second; Tank online, Chinese Skill, Lala, Pacer, Pudding Park got the third. 1Passe, Teambition, Talk by Teambition, Today by Teambition, Weline, Dongben, Happy Chick got a nominee award.

Terence Chang, the initiator of "the Alliance of APP Globalization" and the president of JJ Ventures, added, the first, second and third prize winners would be awarded with overseas resources granted by sponsors; all finalists would be entering INNO-APPS Global Final Competition as seeded players, and becoming members of "The World's Top 100 Mobile Developers Club".

High on the winning list includes apps for photo processing, utilities, social media, life & health, and mobile games. Fotor is a multifunctional photo editing app for photo collages and photography. Since 95% of its users are overseas, its UI and functional design are universal.

At the competition, the list of leading APPs in China was announced, among which WPS and Veryzhun were awarded the prize of "Most Popular APPs"; Xiaomi wristband, Ledongli, the prize of "Most Smart Hardware Apps"; Polluting Map the prize of "Most Influential App". The rating was done by the MOB data center at, China's leading mobile developer services platform.

From "seasoned exporter's" successful experiences, they summarized some common points: simple UI, successful localization, powerful channels, and exacting data analysis. There are 5 factors to judge abilities of "new exporter's": utility, need, frequency, experience, monetization.

Although INNO-APPS Beijing was the first time to be held, it has bigger patterns compared with other APPs competitions. In addition to having Chinese Mainland APP development VIPs at the competition, it also invited the leaders in other countries' industrial chains, such as Israel, United States, South Korea and so on. INNO-APPS has become a platform for communication and sharing between Chinese and overseas developers (outside of mainland China)., the most successful technological company in Israel, with whom Danny Leshem is the header of the restaurant unit, told reporters his team started in 2010, and they just wanted to get some projects in the beginning. A friend's company needed advanced restaurant solutions. This is how OpenRest, the most popular reservation online software was born. Gradually upgrading the technology and user experience, his companies' services are more and more successful, until it was acquired by Our success depends on 3 factors: technology, repaying customers, and large scale scalability.

Danny said that there was once an order in a language he couldn't understand, and this motivated the team's passion to improve the product. They took these kinds of problems as small successes, and many small successes like this accumulated in today's overall success.

Sungsuh Park, CEO of Social & Mobile Inc told a story in APP developing which he is very proud of: "we developed similar products with Google, but they failed, we succeeded, because we developed products on the basis of mobile terminal, but Google did not." 95% users of Social & Mobile come from overseas countries, especially in Europe and North America. Sungsuh Park is very familiar with the features of different countries, he added, yellow pencils sold well in USA, but lovely colors are more popular in Korea. Different features of different countries must be fully considered.

But when we talk about if Chinese mainland business trip apps like C-trip would like to enter American's market, Jonathan Meiri, CEO of Superfly disagreed with this point: It's not the thing that just changing the UI in Business trip lines, you will have to make full connections with airline companies, hotels and other related lines. So it's faster to acquire a mature company than starting-up your own business.

