Chicago Marketing Holiday Party January 2017

Chicago, Jan. 21, 2017 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Chicago Marketing Inc., held its annual holiday party this past week at Carlucci’s in Downers Grove, IL. CEO Jacob Cline and Vice President Mark Krupa organized and rented out the venue to show their appreciation for all the hard work that the organization did in 2016. 

Among the families, friends, top managers, and a select few special invites, Krupa said, “ We have expanded our company into different avenues for the upcoming year, allowing our employees to benefit from not only home entertainment, but mobility as well as becoming players in energy space.” For everyone at the party, this was a great way to network with other managers in our organization.

Our annual employee appreciate event showcased Cline and Organizational Head Sophia O’Leary to announce the winners of the bonus’s that they felt were well deserved. Among the recipients, Organization Head, Kaylyn Borgman, and Administrator Nicole Kmiecik, awarded a Louis Vuitton bag. For various accomplishment Jessie Kohler and Jorie Dieter, both Social Media Assistants, were also recognized for all the behind the scenes dedication and improvement during the year with a plaque for their offices and a one thousand dollar bonus check.

Branch Manager of South Chicago Marketing, Jospeh Pavone Jr. was also there with his team and wanted to acknowledge some of his employees as well. Perseverance, Rising Star, Going the Extra Mile, Resilience, and Dedication, were distributed to Garrett Smith, Kelly Lardi, Keaser Driver, Mary Messicha, and Tristan Windsor. Pavone states, “ I could not be more proud of these individuals for all of their hard work this past year, I can not wait to see where the future takes us as upcoming business partners.”

The generosity did not stop there, the day after the event the top 5 owners of the organization, selected by the staff at Chicago Marketing Inc. were able to be recognized by Cline to get custom fitted suits. Managers from all across the country were recognized for their hard work and dedications Chicago Marketing Inc is looking forward to 2017 and all is has to offer. Huge thank you to our core leadership Jacob Cline, Mark Krupa and Sophia.
Time to take over 2017 by storm.   


