Fixing the solar buying experience: Enervee and Pick My Solar to scale adoption with Utility Marketplaces

LOS ANGELES, Oct. 18, 2017 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- LA-based energy-tech companies Enervee ( and Pick My Solar ( are collaborating to deliver a one-of-a-kind solar energy marketplace solution to US consumers.

A video accompanying this announcement is available at

Photos accompanying this announcement are available at

The novel solution is built on Enervee’s existing Marketplace service that is already delivering its energy-efficient shopping experience to 11% of utility customers across the US, and is set to reach 20% beginning 2018. The collaboration opens up the opportunity to both extend the energy conversation to include solar for millions of energy-focused shoppers, and effectively tap into a considerable customer base for solar.

Pick My Solar helps homeowners find the ideal solar package for their home, from initial feasibility studies through full installation. Enervee guides consumers to find the most efficient products and appliances for their home, through a personalized, product-specific experience including tailored energy and financial savings projections. Pick My Solar is now fully integrated within Enervee’s utility Marketplace experience, allowing users not only to find the most efficient products for their home with detailed bill savings, but also to understand how solar could lower their bills even further.

Matthias Kurwig, Co-founder and CEO Enervee:
'Enervee Marketplace and Pick My Solar are a natural fit. We know that energy isn’t top of mind for people, so being able to start a conversation about solar precisely when people are looking to replace appliances and are considering their energy use, makes the solar argument all the more relevant and personal for users. And being able to offer the opportunity to understand how solar could impact on appliance running costs adds another valuable dimension to helping us as consumers make better buying decisions.’

With solar installation becoming increasingly competitive, a growing challenge for installers is finding viable sources for high quality prospects. With the Enervee Marketplace used by utilities across the US, the idea of switching to solar can be introduced immediately, and at dramatically lower costs, to over 13 million energy-engaged households across the US.

Max Aram, CEO Pick My Solar
‘This collaboration with Enervee is a big win for consumers. A solar installation involves investment, and you need to remember that the size - and cost - of that installation depends on how much energy you need to generate. So replacing old appliances with the most efficient in the market before embarking on the solar journey makes huge sense. Pick My Solar’s presence on Enervee’s utility Marketplace means we can now join the conversation millions of utility customers are having with their utility about understanding what it means to use less and better energy.’

Alongside clear consumer and commercial benefits from an integrated solution, there are deeper similarities between the two companies and their founders. Both envision a clean and low energy future, made possible by creating a relevant, compelling and simple consumer experience.

Max Aram, CEO Pick My Solar:
‘Like Enervee, we know that our offer lives and dies with a great experience for every customer. That’s why we work hard to make the solar choice as easy and risk-free as possible - from impartial assessments and vendor options, to installation and the flow of those solar electrons. It’s about providing the customer with the clearest opportunity to make the best choice.’’

Matthias Kurwig, CEO Enervee:
‘Enervee’s mission to change the way we all buy. This demands a user experience that is both as good as any existing online shopping experience, but also unlike anything that’s come before. That means giving consumers everything they expect and are used to, and then adding a unique, personalised and product-specific layer of expert help on energy and consumption. Pick My Solar adds yet another layer to that offer, making the proposition for the consumer even richer, more distinctive and relevant. In terms of driving energy-savings and clean energy adoption at scale, that can only be a good thing.’

Enervee’s and Pick My Solar’s collaboration is now live with Con Edison NY ( and on Enervee’s consumer site (

Information about Enervee:
Enervee is the world’s first platform-as-a-service company that combines data science, behavioral science and digital marketing to drive consumer energy saving and engagement, by transforming the way we buy. Enervee works with the largest utilities in the US and in Europe covering over 40 million households. Enervee products include Marketplace, Charge, Home and Insight. The company is headquartered in Venice, CA, with offices in Germany and the UK.

Information about Pick My Solar:
Pick My Solar is an online solar purchasing marketplace, providing home and business owners with expert advice and high quality custom bids from a national network of highly qualified solar installers. The overarching mission of Pick My Solar is to simplify the solar purchasing process, drive down costs, and provide the consumer advocacy necessary for solar to achieve broad market success. Pick My Solar has won several awards including the Kauffman Foundation’s Innovation Award, two U.S. Department of Energy Sunshot Catalyst awards, is a member of the Los Angeles Cleantech Incubator, was named the 2015 outstanding small business in the City of Los Angeles, and named 2016 SoCal Startup of the Year by Startup Grind.


MaxAram-MatthiasKurwig EnerveePickMySolarOn_ConEdMarketplace
