SOLUTIONS 30 : Revenue up 48.4% in third quarter 2017

  • 35.8% growth in France
  • 76.9% growth in the international market
  • Double-digit annual growth target confirmed

SOLUTIONS 30 SE, Europe's leading provider of solutions for New Technologies, today announced its unaudited revenue for Q3 and 9M 2017.

In millions of euro
(Unaudited figures)
  Q3   9 months
  2017 2016 Chg %   2017 2016 Chg %
Total   71.8 48.4 +48.4%   189.0 134.7 +40.4%
O/w France   45.6 33.6 +35.8%   120.5 94.9 +27.0%
O/w International   26.2 14.8 +76.9%   68.5 39.8 +72.1%


Record-breaking growth: balanced organic and external growth

The SOLUTIONS 30 Group recorded its biggest growthso far in the third quarter of 2017, with revenue up 48.4% at €71.8 million (+25.7% like-for-like). This 48.4% is in line with our 35.8% growth in the first half of 2017. The €23.4 million quarterly rise in revenue was equally distributed between organic and external growth.

In France, revenue grew 35.8% compared with 2016 to €45.6 million. Like-for-like, in other words excluding Fujitsu Field Services' business in France (consolidated as of 1 July 2017), business was up 29%. Growth in the French market was powered by the sustained increase in fibre-optic roll-out and the ongoing installation of Linky smart meters.

Turning to the international market, which now accounts for 36.5% of our overall revenue, growth was a robust 76.9%, including 18.3% on an organic basis. International business was buoyed not only by the consolidation of our latest acquisitions in Germany, but also by brisk organic growth, especially in Benelux, Germany and Spain.

At the end of the first nine months, SOLUTIONS 30's revenue was up 40.4% year-on-year to €189.0 million.

Germany: new contract with the country's third largest service provider, UnityMedia

Germany is living up to its promise as the Group's second most important market; our efforts have been rewarded with the signature of major contracts. We have now reached critical mass and work with the three main telecom providers in the country.

The acquisition of VKDFS last June positioned SOLUTIONS 30 as a leading Vodafone partner in Germany.

In September, the Group announced having secured a contract valued at a potential €40 million in annual revenues, with yet another major Germany telecom player.

It is now up to UnityMedia, Germany's third largest provider, to strengthen its work relationship with SOLUTIONS 30. The German provider is set to double the business contracted with SOLUTIONS 30 to €100 million over four years, in other words €25 million a year, for high-speed internet installation and customer assistance in southern Germany.

Growth outlook confirmed for full-year 2017

The solid performance in the first nine months of 2017 supports our growth targets for full-year 2017.

We continue our drive to capture growth in our markets and further consolidate our implementation capacity. We expect the roll-out of high-speed internet to gather pace in the last quarter and the installation of Linky smart meters to further accelerate. In keeping with our commitment to our customers, SOLUTIONS 30 teamed up with ENEDIS to launch Linky Académie in Valence to recruit and train technicians to install new-generation meters in the Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes region in France.

2018 key dates

30 January 2018(*)                          2017 revenue
23 April 2018                                   2017 annual results
14 May 2018                                   Q1 2018 revenue
24 July 2018                                    Q2 2018 and H1 revenue.
24 September 2018                       First-half 2018 results
6 November 2018                          Q3 2018 turnover

Results will be announced after the close of the Euronext Growth and XETRA markets at 20:00 CET.

(*) Date updated



The SOLUTIONS 30 Group is Europe's leading provider of Solutions for New Technologies. Its mission is to grant individuals and businesses alike access to technological changes that transform our daily lives: computers and the Internet in the past, today's digital changes, and future technology that will make the world ever more connected in real time. Since its founding, the Group has handled more than 10 million service calls by drawing on a network of 4,000 regional technicians. SOLUTIONS 30 currently covers the whole of France, Italy, Germany, the Netherlands, Belgium, Luxembourg and Spain. SOLUTIONS 30 S.E.'s capital comprises 23,821,764 shares, with an identical number of theoretical and exercisable voting rights.
Solutions 30 S.E. is listed on the Alternext market - ISIN FR0012750586 - code ALS30, eligible for the PEA-PME share savings plan, and on the Frankfurt stock exchange on the Xetra electronic system (ISIN FR0010263335 - code EO2)
For more information, go to


Nezha Calligaro | CEO PA Samuel Beaupain | Press Relations
+352 (0)2 648 19 17 +33 (0)6 88 48 48 02 |
GENESTA Finance  
Hervé Guyot | Listing Sponsor Nathalie Boumendil | Investor Relations
+33 (0)1 45 63 68 60 | +33 (0)6 85 82 41 95 |

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