Cannabis Technology: How Entrepreneurs Can Maximize Contribution to a Rapidly Expanding Industry

MIT Enterprise Forum of Cambridge panel to share insights about how startups can capitalize on the burgeoning business opportunities

CAMBRIDGE, Mass., Nov. 21, 2017 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- The legal cannabis industry is primed for explosive growth. With Massachusetts ending the prohibition, opportunities abound and entrepreneurs are getting involved.

This industry will influence the cultural landscape and impact generations to come. As society adapts to the legalization of cannabis, what roles will technology, education and politics play? What lessons can be learned from the history of cannabis? How can biotechnology, analytical science and quantitative data be leveraged for cannabis industry investors and end users alike? Can California’s successes be replicated and its mistakes avoided?

On Tuesday, December 5, the MIT Enterprise Forum (MITEF) of Cambridge will bring together a spectrum of cannabis cognoscenti across business, academia, and technology to delve into the opportunities presented by the legal cannabis industry. Set for the MIT Stata Center in Cambridge’s Kendall Square, the group will discuss the ways in which nourishing the cannabis industry ecosystem will maximize its contribution to the people of Massachusetts and beyond.

Moderated by entrepreneur, venture capitalist and academic, Vinit Nijiawan, the panel includes:

“The once restrictive borders of cannabis are breaking down, and it’s important to start discussing how Massachusetts can successfully integrate the changes that will be made,” said MITEF of Cambridge Executive Director Katja Wald. “Our speakers have first-hand experience in the legal cannabis industry. They’re excited to share their insights and inspire other entrepreneurs and investors to get engaged and drive things forward.”

Event Details:
Cannabis Technology
Tuesday, December 5, 2017
MIT Stata Center, 32 Vassar Street, Cambridge, MA
5:30 - 6:00 p.m. - Registration & networking (light refreshments served)
6:00 - 8:00 p.m. - Welcome & panel discussion
8:00 - 9:00 p.m. - Beer, wine & networking
Registration and more information is available online
This event will be live-streamed - select the live-stream ticket option during checkout.

The evening is made possible by sponsors CHEN PR, Hamilton, Brook, Smith & Reynolds, Morse Barnes-Brown Pendleton, Withum Audit Tax Advisory and Wolf Greenfield.

About the MIT Enterprise Forum of Cambridge
The MIT Enterprise Forum of Cambridge is the founding chapter and one of 27 worldwide chapters comprising the MIT Enterprise Forum, Inc. Offering more than 40 programs and events annually that inspire innovation, MIT Enterprise Forum of Cambridge initiatives facilitate critical one-on-one mentoring while providing team services that increase the skills and expertise necessary for entrepreneurs to succeed.

Cannabis Technology
