Solutions 30 : precisions on the conditional agreement signed with Telenet

This morning, SOLUTIONS 30 and Telenet BVBA (hereafter "Telenet") have disclosed a press release announcing that they have reached a conditional agreement to create a joint venture group, providing field services in Belgium.

SOLUTIONS 30 specifies the following:

  • The new company, 70% owned by SOLUTIONS 30 and 30% owned Telenet, will be operational during the summer (provisional date 1 July 2018);
  • The new company will be awarded a 5 to 7-year service contract with Telenet of 70 M€ per year;
  • Simultaneously with this operation, Solutions 30 will acquire the remaining 50% of its Belgian subsidiary Janssens Field Services.



The SOLUTIONS 30 Group is Europe's leading provider of Solutions for New Technologies. Its mission is to grant individuals and businesses alike access to technological changes that transform our daily lives: computers and the Internet in the past, today's digital changes, and future technology that will make the world ever more connected in real time. Since its founding, the Group has handled more than 10 million service calls by drawing on a network of 6,000 regional technicians. SOLUTIONS 30 currently covers the whole of France, Italy, Germany, the Netherlands, Belgium, Luxembourg and Spain. SOLUTIONS 30 S.E.'s capital comprises 24,179,812 shares, with an identical number of theoretical and exercisable voting rights.
Solutions 30 S.E. is listed on the Alternext market (ISIN FR0013188844 - code ALS30), eligible for the PEA-PME share savings plan, and on the Frankfurt stock exchange on the Xetra electronic system (ISIN FR0013188844 - code 30L2)
Indexes: MSCI Europe Small Cap | Tech40 | CAC PME
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Nezha Calligaro | CEO PA Samuel Beaupain | Press Relations
+352 (0)2 648 19 17 +33 (0)6 88 48 48 02 |
GENESTA Finance  
Hervé Guyot | Listing Sponsor Nathalie Boumendil | Investor Relations
+33 (0)1 45 63 68 60 | +33 (0)6 85 82 41 95 |

Pièces jointes

Precision telenet sol30