NY Home Care Association Appoints HCA Executive Al Cardillo as President and CEO

Albany, NY, Oct. 22, 2018 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- The Home Care Association of New York State's (HCA) Board of Directors has appointed Al Cardillo as its next President and CEO. 

"HCA is very fortunate to have Al Cardillo's experience, level of expertise and talent from within its ranks to lead the association forward," said HCA’s Board of Directors Chair Susan Larman, BSN, MBA, Chief Executive Officer of Albany-based VNA Home Health/Visiting Nurses Home Care.

"Al has brought to HCA many years of experience and true formative involvement in the home care field encompassing nearly four decades," she added. "Since coming to HCA in the role of Executive Vice President in 2007, HCA members have relied on Al's knowledge and skills in program, policy, legislation, budget and advocacy. He continues and further elevates these assets in the President's role."

"I thank the Board of Directors for the honor and privilege of serving as HCA's President and CEO, and for their confidence in me," said Al Cardillo. "Each day, HCA's members provide vital health and supportive services to hundreds of thousands of patients at home. I am proud of their work and to do all I can to support their mission."

"Since its inception in 1978, HCA has been a pioneer guide and leader for home and community-based care in New York State and across the nation," he added. "HCA has a phenomenal team of professionals performing and collaborating on the work of the association, and a Board of leaders whose dedicated knowledge, vision and skills are at a standard second to no other."

Mr. Cardillo thanked and applauded the leadership of his predecessor, Joanne Cunningham, who in August assumed a post at the national Partnership for Quality Home Healthcare. Before coming to HCA, Mr. Cardillo served as Executive Director for Health in the New York State Senate, directing the Senate's Health Committee and the New York State Council on Health Care Financing. He was also a program specialist in the New York State Division of Medical Assistance. He holds a Master of Social Work Degree in Direct Practice from the State University of New York at Albany and is a New York State Licensed Master Social Worker.  He also teaches in the Albany College of Pharmacy and Health Sciences Public Health Program and in the University at Albany MSW program. 

HCA is a statewide health organization comprised of nearly 400 member providers and organizations delivering home and community-based care to several hundred thousand New Yorkers annually. HCA works to support providers in the delivery of high quality, cost-effective home and community-based care for the state's citizens. HCA providers include hospitals, nursing homes, free-standing agencies and health systems which operate Certified Home Health Agencies, Licensed Home Care Services Agencies, Managed Long Term Care Plans, Hospices, Long Term Home Health Care Programs, waiver programs, and an array of allied, supportive services entities.

To learn more about HCA, visit http://www.hcanys.org


