National Car Donation Charity Kars4Kids Sees Year-end Donation Surge

Car, boat and property donations to nonprofit organization Kars4Kids increase to unprecedented levels as taxpayers scramble for last-minute ways to minimize their 2018 tax liabilities

Lakewood, New Jersey, Dec. 26, 2018 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- With 5 days left to 2018, youth nonprofit Kars4Kids reports new highs of cars donated as donors seek to cut their tax bills. The organization, widely known for its long-running radio jingle and excellent service, has its staff fully prepared to handle its busiest season yet. Kars4Kids will be open to accept donations around the clock until New Years, offering quick, free pickup of vehicles. 

Car donation is often a win-win for donors and charities. Kars4Kids is from the few organizations that handles its own donations, maintaining an in-house call center and operations team to facilitate pickup and sale of the vehicles. Donors benefit from the free and convenient pickup of their cars and can often take advantage of the charitable tax deduction, while cars that would otherwise be destined for the junkyard are turned into funds for charity programs. 

"We encourage all those considering donation to act fast during this last week of the year," says Esti Landau, Kars4Kids' Chief Operating Officer. "We are ready and equipped to handle the increased cars we are getting and we don't want anyone to lose out on their 2018 tax deduction." 

Kars4Kids, an IRS-recognized 501(c)3 Jewish organization, uses the profit from donated vehicles for its nationwide youth development, education and mentoring programs. They also accept boats and real estate donations


