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Source : Passion is Cooking

International Dinner Club Launches This Week in Toronto

TORONTO, Jan. 04, 2019 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- A reinvention of the traditional dinner club has emerged and it’s inviting people to join a movement devoted to reconnecting while breaking bread together. Just in time for the New Year, the International Dinner Club combines fun, adventure, and the very best in gourmet culinary cooking for everyone to enjoy.

Created by World-Renowned International Chef Dario Tomaselli and Rich Life Strategist & Health Advocate Anita Heidema, International Dinner Club is for today’s savvy gourmet foodies who share a deep passion for food - both cooking it and eating it. Together, Dario and Anita integrate their global culinary techniques, nutrition, and mindset adjustments to foster a healthier lifestyle eating habits, better relationships, and more positive lifestyle choices. Their mantra of ‘cook & eat together to stay together’ is born from a simple mission: To encourage people to go back into the kitchen, connect with food to reignite the experience of sharing a meal and your time with one another.

International Dinner Club is a truly unique experience where 5 course custom menus are delivered to your inbox to create monthly menus focusing on a specific region or country in the world that highlights locally sourced ingredients. Along with the custom menu, members will receive suggestions for wine pairings and exciting fun facts about that months’ selected region or country. All that’s left to do is cook up your masterpiece, then gather around the table for food, friends, fun, and great conversation.

“The International Dinner Club was created especially for those individuals who truly want to reconnect with friends and switch up from going to restaurants weekly,” said Dario Tomaselli. “We invite you to think of your next dinner party as a unique opportunity to explore another culture with friends and bring back the tradition of gathering for a meal.”

While the multi-course regional menus were created by a world-renowned chef, you certainly don’t have to be one to host the first International Dinner Club. You can suggest the program to a friend and help facilitate the program together. All that you need is the recipe, ingredient list, a group of friends to reconnect with and a passion for cooking. 

Each month, International Dinner Club will provide helpful suggestions, tips, and surprises, creativity and adding your own flare is highly encouraged. Create themes, include décor and ambience to fully entrench yourself into the cultural experience. The host can make the entire menu or each guest can be assigned one part of the menu. Change things up and have different friends host each month. The kitchen is your oyster!

“This is truly about an experience where people can discover a new region, explore their food curiosities, cook together and reclaim the kitchen as a place to connect with one another.” Says Anita Heidema. “We know people are busy, but that doesn’t mean they don’t want to make the time to connect with friends and loved ones – we are just here to make it easier.”

More information on International Dinner Club can be found on the website.

About International Dinner Club:

Founded by the partners that brought you Passion Is Cooking, Chef Dario Tomaselli and Anita Heidema launch the International Dinner Club. This program will help friends and family re-connect over their love of food. Each package sent on the 1st of the month will include a 5 course recipe program from a different region in the world. The program will guide guests on how to host a dinner party with chef created recipes made easy for you and including tips and tricks. Each program will also include interesting facts about the region from which the 5 course meal originated.

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Website: www.passioniscooking.com/picdin

Media Contact: kate@bluedoorcommunications.ca