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Source : Foundation for Climate Restoration

Foundation for Climate Restoration Announces Partnership with Earth Day Network

Exponentially Expanding the Climate Restoration Movement

WASHINGTON, May 14, 2019 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- The Foundation for Climate Restoration(F4CR) today announced that it is partnering with Earth Day Network in its mission to evaluate, develop and support existing methods to restore the climate.

“Transformational climate action at the scale the world requires to avoid the most devastating impacts of climate change will require three things – mitigation, adaptation, and restoration,” said F4CR CEO Rick Parnell. “We cannot keep procrastinating. It’s time for ambitious, creative, and innovative solutions that seize the opportunity of climate action to deliver enormous opportunities for our shared future.”

The F4CR aims to return atmospheric CO2 to historically safe levels of less than 300 parts per million by 2050 while working hand-in-hand with other efforts to reduce harmful emissions, such as Earth Day Network’s education, public policy, and consumer campaigns. More than 1 billion people now participate in Earth Day activities each year, making it the largest civic engagement in the world. In addition to its global efforts to fight climate change, Earth Day Network also works to plant trees, end plastic pollution, save species, green schools and communities, and mobilize people, communities, businesses, and elected leaders to create a more sustainable future.

“Growing out of the first Earth Day nearly 50 years ago, Earth Day Network (EDN) has worked tirelessly to galvanize a worldwide environmental movement,” said EDN President Kathleen Rogers, “Today, Earth Day Network works in more than 190 countries to raise awareness of environmental issues and mobilize action. We believe that, together, our two organizations will be able to work together to foster creative and innovative solutions that take climate action to the next level.”

“Our two visions fit together well,” said physicist and F4CR Founder and Chairman Peter Fiekowsky. “We both see the value in moving beyond talk and into specific action. For too long, people believed the problem was too big and there was nothing we could do. But we can do things to restore our climate. We can support projects that bolster our economies and create good jobs while restoring our climate to pre-industrial levels. Partnering with Earth Day Network will exponentially expand the climate restoration movement.”

About the Foundation for Climate Restoration and Climate Restoration Alliance:
The non-profit Foundation for Climate Restoration began with a question: How might we reverse global warming and safely restore the climate and the Arctic ice by the year 2050? Today, we work with partners around the world – connecting the right people to the right ideas and resources – to launch financially viable Climate Restoration projects and, through the Climate Restoration Alliance, develop and deliver education, networking and advocacy programs. For more information, visit Foundation for Climate Restoration.

About Earth Day Network:
On April 22, 1970, 20 million Americans took to streets, parks, and auditoriums to protest environmental degradation. That first Earth Day sparked the creation of the EPA and passage of the Clean Air, Clean Water, and Endangered Species Acts, and led to the creation of Earth Day Network. Today, Earth Day Network works year-round with more than 75,000 partners in 190 countries on projects, programs, and campaigns that support environmental conservation, environmental protection, climate activism and advocacy, and advancing the green economy. Learn more at

Media Contact:
Alexandra Pony
PONY Communications