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Source : Questex LLC

Questex Embraces the Booming Experiential Economy, as 74% of Consumers Now Prefer Experiences Over Products

NEW YORK, Feb. 25, 2020 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Questex rolls out its new strategy to become the leading information and event services company focused on the experience economy. Questex’s mission is helping people live better and live longer, operating in markets where growth is driven by improving the quality of their lives.

“Today, people are voting with their wallets. Research shows that 74% of consumers prioritize experiences over products or things1, and 57% have stopped buying from a company because a competitor provided a better experience2. Questex is committed to the experience economy – companies driven by ‘experiences’ have a competitive advantage,” said Paul Miller, CEO, Questex. 

Miller continued, “The growing energy and passion we see in our end markets – Hospitality, Wellness, Travel, Life Science, Healthcare and Technology, Media & Telecommunications – carries directly to the experiences we provide to our business customers. You couldn’t ask for a better foundation.”

Walking through the Nightclub & Bar Show the high energy is palpable, as operators and investors in the bar and restaurant industry experience chef demonstrations, mixology courses and new product innovation. Beauty professionals queue up for hair treatments and massages and cheer on peers during barber contests at The Beauty Experience. At Digital Pharma East, Facebook and GlaxoSmithKline executives mingle to discuss cutting-edge marketing trends to put into immediate action. And at the International Hospitality Investment Forum, hospitality executives discuss the new experiential concepts driving the future of the hospitality industry.

Whether it is connecting vibrant social communities with their favorite influencers, sharing best practices, or connecting buyers and sellers to get business done, Questex’s mission is to bring the experiential economy to life for its community of four million passionate professionals.

The new Questex website is filled with real experiential customer case studies that showcase all the ways Questex serves customers' business needs through its communities. The launch of the new Questex ( brings them to life. It happens here.

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About Questex
Questex helps people live better and longer. Questex brings people together in the markets that help people live better: travel, hospitality and wellness; the industries that help people live longer: life science and healthcare; and the technologies that enable and fuel these new experiences. We live in the experience economy – connecting our ecosystem through live events, surrounded by data insights and digital communities. We deliver experience and real results. It happens here.

1 Expedia and the Center for Generational Kinetics
2 Salesforce State of the Connected Customer report

Media Contact
Kate Spellman
Chief Marketing Officer
212 895 8488