Source : Orkla ASA

Orkla ASA: Notice of Orkla's Annual General Meeting 2020

The Annual General Meeting of Orkla ASA will be held at Orkla House, Drammensveien 149, Oslo, on Thursday, 16 April 2020 at 09:00 a.m. Please note that the time and
venue has changed from what was communicated on the 11th of March.

Due to the coronavirus outbreak, a number of measures are being implemented to prevent the spread of infection.

Shareholders are requested to avail themselves of the possibilities of casting advance votes or voting by proxy, as described in the notice of the meeting, and as far as possible to refrain from attending in person. Arrangements are being made to enable shareholders to watch the Annual General Meeting (AGM) via a webcast at, and the AGM will be simultaneously translated into English.

The AGM will be conducted as briefly as possible, and representation of Orkla’s Board of Directors and administration will be kept to a minimum. No refreshments will be served in connection with the AGM. Necessary infection prevention measures will be taken for shareholders attending in person.

Notice of attendance, casting of advance votes and submission of proxies must be received no later than 3 p.m. (Norwegian time) on 14 April 2020 as further set out in the notice. Attached you will find the notice to the General Meeting, including appendices.

The Notice is posted electronically or by mail to all shareholders. To order a printed version of the appendices to the Notice, see

Notice of the Annual General Meeting and other documents relating to items of business, including supplementary information to agenda item 3, as well as further information concerning the rights of shareholders, may be found at

Registration will open at 08:30 p.m. on the date of the General Meeting.

Orkla ASA
Oslo, 26 March 2020


Group Director Corporate Communications & Corporate Affairs
Håkon Mageli
Tel.: +47 928 45 828

VP Investor Relations
Elise A. Heidenreich
Tel: +47 951 41 147

For questions concerning the nomination committee recommendations, please contact:

Anders Christian Stray Ryssdal
Tel.: + 47 907 84 794

This information is subject to the disclosure requirements pursuant to Section 5-12 the Norwegian Securities Trading Act
