Publication of 2019 Solvay Annual Integrated Report and Report on Payment to Governments

Brussels, March 31, 2020 – Solvay publishes today its fourth Annual Integrated Report. This report reflects Solvay’s progress on an integrated management journey that began in 2012. It covers the year 2019, provides elements and reporting principles recommended by the International Integrated Reporting Council (IIRC) and is elaborated following the guidance of the World Business Council For Sustainable Development (WBCSD). 

The report contains: 

  • A summarized version of the "Understanding Solvay" section which details the Group's new purpose, the G.R.O.W. strategy, its streamlined business model and the updated Sustainable Value Creation model. The full “Understanding Solvay” section will be available in the digital version. 
  • The Management report presents the Governance report, Risk Management report, Business review integrating the Alternative Performance Measures (APM) reconciliation, Extra-Financial Statements, Financial Statements, together with the Auditors' reports.

Please note that the digital version of the Annual Integrated Report with the full “Understanding Solvay” section and the full Global Reporting Initiative (GRI) Index will be available on April 7, 2020.

Solvay today also publishes its 2019 report on payment to governments. This document is available in the Financial Filings section of Solvay's website.



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Annual report 2019 payments to governments Press release Solvay Annual Report