Adopt a Business Challenge tops $100,000

WINNIPEG, Manitoba, April 28, 2020 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Just last week, Sherpa Marketing launched the Adopt a Business Challenge by putting up $50,000 in free professional marketing services to companies in need. It also asked other companies able to help to join in.

Eight other local companies have accepted the challenge and have agreed to provide free products or services to those in need. All told, the free products and services now top $100,000 and could help even more companies!

Tripwire Media Group, Direct Focus Marketing Communications, Pivot Turn Consulting, RODio, Arialys eCommerce, McKim, Maz, and Bold Social Strategies have all accepted the challenge to help local companies, with others sure to come aboard soon! The products and services range from marketing expertise to video production to strategic planning to eCommerce – all designed to help companies in need bounce back!

Business that have been hurt by the COVID-19 global pandemic and need help can visit to apply for the Adopt a Business Challenge before May 8, 2020 at 12pm (CST). A team at Sherpa Marketing will evaluate applicants and figure out who they can help the most.

Any business able to offer their products or services to help others can visit or contact Sherpa Marketing for more details.

“We may not be able to save lives but we may be able to help save livelihoods,” said CEO of Sherpa Marketing, Marty Fisher.

Of particular concern to Sherpa Marketing are all the small businesses that make our community so diverse and vibrant. “A life without our favourite family restaurants, boutique shops and cutting-edge companies is one I (and most of you) would prefer not to face,” says Fisher.

“Our community is filled with amazing companies. We should help each other out, especially when times are tough. Together, we can get through these tough times and make sure we’re ready to come roaring back.”

Indomitable determination and relentless service are words to describe our community as we work together to keep each other safe and healthy during the battle against COVID-19. The words also describe the team at Sherpa Marketing as they generate results through innovative marketing.

Experts in scaling businesses, Sherpa Marketing provides industry-leading, integrated marketing solutions that achieve positive results. Sherpa Marketing is committed to growing good by using their expertise to help clients create a better world.

