AKVA group ASA: Annual General Meeting of the stockholders

The Annual General Meeting of the stockholders in AKVA group ASA was conducted on 7 May 2020.

Please find attached the minutes from the Annual General Meeting.

Dated: 7 May 2020
AKVA group ASA

Web: www.akvagroup.com


Knut Nesse Chief Executive Officer
Phone:+47 51 77 85 00
Mobile:+47 91 37 62 20

Andreas Pierre HatjoullisChief Financial Officer
Phone:+47 51 77 85 00
Mobile:+47 92 69 99 33

This information is subject to the disclosure requirements pursuant to Section 5-12 the Norwegian Securities Trading Act


Pièces jointes

Protokoll fra ordinear generalforsamling 2020 Attachment 1 Shareholders participating Minutes from the Annual General Meeting 2020