Book follows an African girl who saves a lion cub but must deal with the loss when the cub is returned to the wild

Thabitha Mathabatha announces the release of ‘The Brave Little African Girl’

MEYERTON, South Africa, June 15, 2020 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Debuting author Thabitha Mathabatha announces her entry to the publishing scene with the release of “The Brave Little African Girl” (published by AuthorHouse UK), a picture book for children shares the story of an African girl who saves a lion cub but must deal with the loss when the cub is returned to the wild.


Fofo, a brave, little African girl, lives with her brothers and her strict aunt in the jungle. Fofo is tired of following her brothers around. One day, she decides to venture off by herself to swim in the natural pool at the foot of the mountain. As Fofo enjoys the refreshing spring water, she does not realize she is in danger. And then, on the bank, she hears the cry of an animal.


Fofo saves a baby lion being born, names him Angel, and carries the cub home. However, she must give up the animal so it can be returned to the wild. That makes her sad and depressed. Her schoolwork suffers, and her grades drop. But her teachers help her get her spark back. Through the love of her family and friends, and especially her teachers, Fofo is able to find joy in her life again.


“The Brave Little African Girl” aims to educate the world about the dangers children find themselves in but are unaware of, remind readers that all children are equal and that they do suffer from depression and that it takes a whole village to raise a child. For more details about the book, please visit


An excerpt from the book:


As she approached, She saw a lion. At first, she did not believe her eyes, the thought that her imagination was playing tricks on her. She blinked and closed her eyes. She rubbed her eyes and opened them again. This was so unbelievable. She never thought that she would see a lion face to face.


“The Brave Little African Girl”

By Thabitha Mathabatha

Hardcover | 6 x 9in | 48 pages | ISBN 9781728351865

Softcover | 6 x 9in | 48 pages | ISBN 9781728351872

E-Book | 48 pages | ISBN 9781728351896

Available at Amazon and Barnes & Noble

About the Author

Thabitha Mathabatha studied for a national diploma in town and regional planning, a master’s degree in development studies and a bachelor’s degree in law. She is finalizing her master’s degree in building project management in construction, and was recently admitted as an advocate. Mathabatha is also a sangoma and traditional healer utilizing traditional ways and traditional medicine to heal people. She has four adult children.

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