Elis - Combined shareholders' meeting of 30 June 2020

OF JUNE 30, 2020

Saint Cloud, June 30, 2020

In accordance with the emergency measures adopted by the French Government to slow the spread of Covid-19, the Combined Shareholders’ Meeting of Elis, chaired by Thierry Morin, the Chairman of the Supervisory Board, in the presence of the members of the Management Board, was held behind closed doors without the physical presence of shareholders on Tuesday, June 30 2020, at the registered office of the Company, 5, boulevard Louis Loucheur, 92210 Saint-Cloud, with simultaneous webcast. The quorum was 77,73 % and the shareholders approved all the resolutions put to the vote. The entire vote took place remotely prior to the meeting.

The Shareholders’ Meeting approved the 2019 financial statements.

The Shareholders approved the appointment of Mr. Fabrice Barthélémy and Mrs Amy Flikerski as Supervisory Board members, each for a term of four years, i.e., expiring at the end of the Shareholders’ Meeting to be called to approve the financial statements for the year ending December 31, 2023. Fabrice Barthélémy, a French national, is President of the Management Board of Tarkett. Amy Flikersky, a Canadian national, is a senior portfolio manager in the external Portfolio Management group at Canada Pension Plan Investment Board (CPP Investments). Following today’s Shareholders’ meeting, the Supervisory Board of Elis now counts nine members, of which six are independent and 5 are women. This composition reflects the Board’s renewed ambition to pursue its internationalization and to enrich the diverse profile of its members.

The Shareholders also approved the compensation policy of the Company’s executive officers for  2020 (i.e. the President and members of the Management Board and the President and members of the Supervisory Board) as amended in the context of the Covid-19, the information referred to in Article L.225-37-3, I of the French commercial Code in respect of the new ex-post vote on the compensation of all corporate officers and approved the fixed, variable and exceptional elements of total compensation and benefits of any kind paid or awarded for the financial year of 2019 to the members of the Management Board and the President of the Supervisory Board, in accordance with Article L.225-100-III of the French commercial Code.

The Shareholders approved the renewal of the authorization granted to the Management Board with regard to share buybacks.

The shareholders also adopted new authorizations and delegations regarding the issue of shares and/or securities with and without preferential subscription rights of shareholders, or to issue shares as consideration for contribution in kind (except in the case of a public exchange offer). The delegation to increase the share capital reserved for employees who are members of a company or group savings plan or employees of the Company’s foreign subsidiaries were also renewed, as well as the delegation of authority to reduce the share capital by cancellation of treasury shares.

The shareholders also approved the authorization granted to the Management Board to allocate free shares of the Company to employees and/or corporate officers of the Company or Group companies.

The results of voting on all resolutions submitted to Shareholders are available on the Company’s website: at https://fr.elis.com/en/group/investors-relations/regulated-information under “Shareholders Meetings.”


Nicolas Buron
Investor Relations Director – Phone: +33 1 75 49 98 30 - nicolas.buron@elis.com

Audrey Bourgeois
Investor Relations – Phone: +33 1 75 49 96 25 - audrey.bourgeois@elis.com


Pièces jointes

Elis - Combined shareholders' meeting 30 June 2020 - Press release