Egide: EGIDE USA Industrial Incident in the Cambridge facility, Maryland, USA.

Cambridge and Bollène, July 3, 2020 - 06:00 pm (CET)

Press Release
For immediate release.

Industrial Incident in the Cambridge facility, Maryland, USA.

On July 1, 2020, the Egide USA facility in Cambridge, Maryland, USA had closed for an extended July 4th holiday weekend. After work hours, a fire started within the plating area. It was quickly extinguished and there were no injuries. Priority was immediately given to the inventory of potentially hazardous chemicals associated with the plating facility affected by the fire.

A third-party hazard remediation company was contacted and is onsite. Working with the Waste Treatment Team at Egide, the EPA, the MDE and fire officials, an assessment of the factory is underway.

At this time, while Egide does not know the extent of the damage, it appears to be contained to our gold plating operation. Egide is prepared to work around the clock to restore as much of the facility as possible.

Under these circumstances, all the Egide Group's US and French teams are mobilized to satisfy current orders and serve the urgent needs of its customers. Indeed, the plating lines at our plants in San Diego, California, and Bollène, France, are ready to take over if necessary, to ensure the delivery of urgent orders. All customers potentially impacted in the short term by this incident will be contacted individually in order to review the status of deliveries and the upcoming schedule.

The Egide Group and the Cambridge teams would like to express their deepest gratitude to the rescue workers who arrived very quickly and thank them for their competence and professionalism.

The Group's priority is now focused on the safety of its employees and of the community and on the environmental impact of these events. All the Group's units are also concentrating on serving its customers in the best possible way given the situation.

A follow-up communication will be made as soon as the situation evolves.

To find out more about Egide:

About Egide
Egide is a group with an international dimension, specialized in the manufacture of hermetic packages and heat dissipation solutions for sensitive electronic components. It operates in cutting edge markets with strong technology barriers to entry in all critical industry segments (Thermal Imaging, Optronics, High-Frequency, Power Units…). Egide is the only pure player in this market niche with manufacturing bases in France and the United States.

Egide’s eligibility for tax efficient French innovation-focused mutual funds (FCPI) was renewed on May 14, 2018.

Egide is listed on Euronext Paris™- Segment C - ISIN code: FR0000072373 – Reuters: EGID.PA – Bloomberg: GID

FIN’EXTENSO – Press Relations - Isabelle Aprile - +33 1 39 97 61 22 –



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