The ‘Road Warrior Therapist’ returns with a personal narrative of ‘life-altering’ engagements on the road and in the office

Ken Ludmer offers captivating insights into the search for ‘It’

NEW YORK, July 30, 2020 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Jack Kerouac’s “On the Road” was an instant bestseller in 1957 and became the guidebook for the Beat Generation’s pilgrimage of self-discovery and awareness. Ken Ludmer’s “Searching for “It”” (published by Archway Publishing) is a cultural descendant of Kerouac’s epic tale of wanderlust. Ludmer’s personal interactions as he hitchhikes across America in the sixties and seventies, along with accounts of his world travels and professional experiences, are a testament to the gut-centered yearning to decode the mystery behind our existence. From the bars of Beat-era Greenwich Village to the truckstops of Ohio, from the streets of NYC to the porches of rural Missouri, from the mountains of Montana to the Swiss Alps, Ludmer recounts both interviews and exchanges that offer glimpses into “It.” His tales are revelations full of warm-hearted humor and pathos and his easy, conversational style paints a vivid picture that puts the reader dead-center in each story. Reading “Searching for It” is in itself an act of mindfulness, of being “in the moment.” His tales evoke empathy, compassion, and refreshing amusement. When the final page is turned, readers will look up from the book and view the world through a much-altered lens. It is a virtual guarantee that, the next time a nameless barista hands them a latte across the counter, readers will walk away with much more than a cup of coffee.


“The search for ‘It.’ Everyone is looking for it. Some found it. Others didn’t. Some had ‘it’ and lost it. Everyone defines what ‘it’ is for them whether its happiness or contentment, fame or fortune. There is a universal concept at play here and I attempt to tap into it with insightful stories,” Ludmer says. “In the era of personal fulfillment and personal growth, this book helps people define their goals. It also is humorous and entertaining.”


“Searching for “It”” is available for purchase online on Archway’s website at:


“Searching for “It””

By Ken Ludmer

Softcover | 6 x 9 in | 298 pages | ISBN 9781480887664

E-Book | 298 pages | ISBN 9781480887671

Available at Amazon and Barnes & Noble


About the Author

Ken Ludmer is a retired licensed family therapist and psychiatric social worker who received his graduate degree from Columbia University. His post graduate certificate in family therapy is from Philadelphia Child Guidance Clinic at Children’s Hospital, Philadelphia. He lived in Greenwich Village for 20 years and worked there as an actor, waiter, bartender, cook and environmental activist. The author of “Insanity Begins at Home” (iUniverse) is a world traveler, blogger, guitar player and proud father of Josh and Aly. He currently lives in Oaxaca, Mexico, and the New York City metropolitan area.

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