Amidst the Pandemic of COVID-19; Jennifer Jayde’s Newest Book The Awakening: A Guide to Spiritually Awaken Your Highest Self, Intuitive Connection, and Deepest Purpose is Helping Those Discover Their Purpose

The book guides you on how to spiritually awaken your highest self and connect to a life that fulfills you

VANCOUVER, BC, CANADA, Aug. 24, 2020 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Jennifer Jayde, an internationally, two time bestselling and multiple award-winning Author, International Speaker, and Worldwide Alignment Coach has announced her book, The Awakening: A Guide to Spiritually Awaken Your Highest Self, Intuitive Connection, and Deepest Purpose has been helping those who are dealing with COVID-19 stay-at-home orders, by guiding them into discovering what their true purpose is, and how they can take steps towards leading a more fulfilling life, immediately.

“If you’ve been having the nagging sensation that you were meant for more in this life, the Awakening guide book is especially for you,”  said Jayde.

The Awakening: A Guide to Spiritually Awaken Your Highest Self, Intuitive Connection, and Deepest Purpose was released in 2019; however, considering what is happening in our world today, where the vast majority paused their lives in March of 2020 for the pandemic of COVID-19; many have been experiencing being secretly unhappy or unfulfilled, and have had the sudden epiphany of no longer wanting to go back to their old routinely lives. They were feeling the discontentment and unfulfillment that had been subconsciously tucked away in their minds. The author herself confirmed that this book was written to assist and inspire those who specifically felt and continue to feel they have something more to offer and desire to live a life true to themselves and their greatest sense of purpose and joy in whatever time they have left.

The Awakening: A Guide to Spiritually Awaken Your Highest Self, Intuitive Connection, and Deepest Purpose aims to help the readers understand more about themselves and discover what the ego truly is – a very crucial and little known ingredient when aiming for a life filled with prosperity, success, and fulfillment.

Jayde’s genuine interest and emphasis on helping others is what sets her distinctly apart from other life coaches in the industry. She is a living breathing example of walking away from a successful career in finance, to pursue a path towards more purpose, fulfillment, and soul aligned success. Though completely daunted at the time, 10 years ago she left a decade-long career in finance and pursued her childhood dream of destination wedding photography - and with the help of mentors and guides, became an international, award-winning success. Now, realizing that not only is it possible to create a life (and income) doing something that you love, Jennifer Jayde wishes to share her life experience, expertise, guidance, and alignment coaching with anyone who now feels the way she once did - unhappy, unfulfilled, and wondering if this is as good as life gets. Jennifer believes that not only are we able to create and live a life we love, full-time, but that we are actually meant to - if we so desire.

With natural-like expertise in supporting any aspiring entrepreneurs, Jayde has a gift in helping her clients discover their true purpose on a deep soul level. She teaches them to tune in with their inner guidance system and helps them move through any wall of self-doubt and deeply-ingrained fear they might have. This is undoubtedly what made her book so dynamic and powerful that it topped bestselling charts at #1 on Amazon, on the same day that it was released.

It would even explain how she ended up winning the prestigious GBR Publishing House Author’s Award, as well as being awarded as the Award-Winning Finalist in the New Age Non-Fiction category of the International Book Awards. This only further painting Jennifer as an author who is not only credible for readers to trust but it also speaks of her work as well, all of which one can lean into for soul-deep happiness and success.

The book also allows readers to take control of their choices and lives like never before, by learning how to receive guidance from what Jayde deems as the strongest place possible - their inner guide. The one thing that readers need only remember is that they can count on Jayde’s works, The Awakening: A Guide to Spiritually Awaken Your Highest Self, Intuitive Connection, and Deepest Purpose being the primary example of leading them into the life that they want. Not long after, they will transform themselves into a super-soul whose life is filled with fulfillment and purpose - becoming an inspiration and example for those around them to do the same. No one says it better, Our Best Guide is Inside- Jennifer Jayde

About the Author:

Jennifer Jayde, the internationally-recognized brilliant mind behind the bestselling book, has consistently reinstated her strong desire to guide others into living a soul-aligned life that is abundant and prosperous. So much so, that she believes that it is the sole purpose behind her existence; to help others create and become motivated.

The Awakening: A Guide to Spiritually Awaken Your Highest Self, Intuitive Connection, and Deepest Purpose is available through Amazon and at

To learn more about Jennifer Jayde, visit and follow her on social network accounts at Facebook @jenniferjaydedreambizcoach, and Instagram @jenniferjayde_successcoach.

For media inquiries, interviews, and appearance requests, please contact Kelly Bennett of Bennett Unlimited PR (949) 463-6383 or


Jennifer Jayde and GBR Publishing House CEO Ky-Lee Hanson after Jennifer was presented the prestigious Author's Award from GBR Publishing House. Jennifer Jayde and Jim Gardiner (host) on the set of Inspirational 30 TV Show, at Shaw TV Studios, BC Canada.
