United Kingdom Adult Specialist Care Market 2020 - Greater Risk of the COVID-19 Pandemic May Be in the Medium to Long Term

Dublin, Sept. 03, 2020 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- The "Adult Specialist Care UK Market Report 4ed" report has been added to ResearchAndMarkets.com's offering.

The fourth edition of the Adult Specialist Care UK Market report is essential reading for anyone involved in this vital part of the UK's social care sector, be they a provider, a commissioner, an investor, an advisor or a policymaker.

This industry-standard report provides unique and in-depth insight into all areas of the market, including funding, operating models, future prospects and supply and demand.

The report covers all aspects of social care for adults under the age of 65, which the publisher estimates to be worth 12.5 billion across the whole of the UK. This includes services for people with learning difficulties, mental health issues, substance misuse problems and acquired brain injury, and comprises both residential and non-residential settings.

Written during the first months of the Coronavirus pandemic, the report assesses the adult specialist care market to have passed the reliability test in the face of COVID-19. Unlike many providers of care for older people, adult specialist care providers have not faced the existential threat of clients dying or of reduced admissions.

The greater risk to the sector from the pandemic may be in the medium to long term - with care for adults under the age of 65 being principally paid for by the state, it will become just one of many essential services looking for funding from a depleted public purse.

The publisher expects the market will remain of interest to investors.

In an economy that is heading for uncertain times, adult specialist care, and supported living in particular, offers safe, long term, index-linked returns. While not entirely without risks, the level of public funding and also public willingness to see the lifetime costs of users of these services covered offers a level of certainty that few other investments can offer.

What the report includes:

  1. Market Overview
  2. Politics and Regulation
  3. Payors
  4. Major providers
  5. Investors
  6. Market Potential
  7. Appendices
  8. Glossary
  9. Key Legislation
  10. Regulators
  11. Trade Bodies
  12. Major Provider
  13. History
  14. Financial Appendix

Who is the report for?

  • Operators of residential care and nursing homes
  • Homecare agencies and providers
  • Nursing agency operators
  • Local authority commissioners
  • CCG commissioners
  • Directors of adult social services
  • Care advisors
  • Banks and investors
  • Management consultants
  • Business advisors
  • Long-term care insurance providers
  • Central government
  • Think tanks
  • Policy writers

What You Get:

  • Print package - Single-user Printed Book
  • Digital package - Multi-user Digital PDF and Data in Excel + Printed Book

For more information about this report visit https://www.researchandmarkets.com/r/7cqyqv

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