EcomXFactor Opens a New Consulting Program for Ecommerce Store Owners despite COVID-19 Pandemic

TEL AVIV, Israel, Sept. 25, 2020 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Recently, EcomXFactor has released its consulting acceleration program for e-commerce store owners, despite the COVID-19 pandemic.

While many businesses are struggling to make ends meet and the global economy is unstable, there's a big shift towards selling online and working remotely. For Yaron and Tal Been, the founders of EcomXFactor, this shift is a great opportunity to optimize and reflect.

The couples keep traveling the world while running their seven-figure businesses. They say: "We're actually seeing a positive trend in most aspects of our businesses. People are buying more which serves us well in our online stores. And on the other hand people are also seeking knowledge which is why we believe EcomXFactor's consulting services are thriving."

Yaron and Tal are two Israeli born entrepreneurs. Tal is an Architect and Yaron is an Industrial Engineer who decided to quit their jobs in order to fulfill their vision of being location independent. In the last two years they have lived in Thailand, Vietnam, Taiwan, Japan, South Africa and nowadays, due to the COVID-19 restrictions, they are operating and growing their businesses from Eastern Europe.

"Our first sale was on the day we launched our first store. We were in the middle of a family dinner and I suddenly got a sales notification," says Yaron. "I was pretty surprised. We had just launched our store after hearing about dropshipping in Shopify two days before from a friend of ours and suddenly we were making money on our own."

But this was just beginner's luck. Although the couple knew there's business potential in ecommerce, they struggled to grow their store for the first six months. They started to look for new products, tried new marketing angles and started split testing product pages. "Split testing product pages was the key for our growth," says Tal, now in charge of operating a team of customer support reps and the whole fulfillment operation.

As soon as they were able to split test and optimize, results started flowing in more consistently and this allowed them to quit their jobs and become location independent. The couple moved to Chiang Mai in Thailand and kept on growing their store, adding new lines of products and optimizing their retention and overall customer satisfaction.

Since then, their business kept on growing until the beginning of 2020 when the Pandemic started. "The pandemic caught us by surprise. People stopped buying, suppliers weren't able to meet demand and many orders were refunded," says Yaron. "Luckily, after a few weeks, in which we made a few major changes in our marketing and order fulfillment backend, things started to pick up."

In March, at the peak of the markets crash, the couple had their best month, selling more than $25,000 worth of products on a daily basis. As word spread out, many friends and family members asked the couple to teach them about ecommerce and online marketing, which made Yaron & Tal decide to start a consulting program.

Now EcomXFactor is opening a new consulting acceleration program for ecommerce store owners in which they share the essential elements of the S.P.L.I.T method. S.P.L.I.T is the method they have developed based on countless split tests that helps store owners optimize and scale their stores. Their advice to other entrepreneurs is to develop a methodical, data driven process which should be aligned with a grand vision and values.

"Without having clarity and a northern star, any challenge that arises can really steer you off the track. As soon as you have clear goals, you can strive to meet them, you can reverse engineer and create milestones which make the whole journey much easier," Yaron says.

The couples are also very clear about their future goals. "We plan on continuing to integrate different aspects of our life and strive for harmony. We love our work, we enjoy the constant need to innovate and improve our business," they say. "At the end of the day it's all about constant learning, improving, being curious and surrounding yourself with experts and great consultants. Finding like-minded people with positive energy isn't so common but when you find Grade A players, make sure to collaborate with them. We're grateful to have EcomXFactor team with us".

Company Name: EcomXFactor
Media Contact: Yaron
Phone: +972524634310
