New book discusses how most people spend a lifetime looking for truth, love and God only to discover that they lie within us

Robert DeVinck announces the release of ‘The Ascension Within: Becoming Who We Already Are’

WAILEA, Hawaii, Oct. 15, 2020 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Robert DeVinck spent 57 years searching for the answers to life’s most important questions in all the “obvious” places. He traveled the world over, thinking that he would find God by going to church, love by getting married, truth by going to college, and purpose by having a steady job. What he discovered, instead, is that most of life’s essential truths are seldom, if ever, to be found “out there.” Only when he began his transformational work of addiction recovery was he able to find most of those crucial answers — in the last place he ever thought to look — deep within himself.


In his follow-up book to “The Pono Principle,” DeVinck discusses in “The Ascension Within: Becoming Who We Already Are” (published by Balboa Press) how most people spend a lifetime looking for truth, love and God only to discover that they lie within. By finally “dying” to his false self (the persona he wished to portray to the world), DeVinck was free to begin his spiritual journey, his ascension within, to rediscover the pure, uncorrupted soul he was at birth. Only within that sacred inner sanctum was he able to reconnect to the indwelling spirit of God, the divine spark he shared with all of humanity.


“I was 57 years old when I killed the selfish, self-centered alcoholic that I was. My resurrection occurred the day I walked into a recovery meeting and began the internal journey to rediscover my true self, the person that God created me to be. I have enjoyed a sober mind, a healthy body and an awakened spirit, for 10 years now, and what I have learned from my inner journey I wish to share with the world,” DeVinck says. He adds, “When we recognize that we are all stardust, that we share the same cosmic DNA, we can then understand that the universe resides within each of us. Only then will we discover our oneness with creation - and with our Creator.”


When asked what he wants readers to take away from his writing of the book, DeVinck replies, “I pray that the life lessons I have learned may be of value to you, the reader, as you continue on your own personal journey, confident that after every fall, no matter how challenging, you have the ability to ascend again by becoming who you really are.” For more details about the book, please visit


“The Ascension Within: Becoming Who We Already Are”

By Robert DeVinck

Hardcover | 5.5 x 8.5in | 152 pages | ISBN 9781982250263

Softcover | 5.5 x 8.5in | 152 pages | ISBN 9781982250256

E-Book | 152 pages | ISBN 9781982250249

Available at Amazon and Barnes & Noble


About the Author

Robert DeVinck has a Master’s Degree in Human Services Counseling: Life Coaching from Liberty University. He is married, has five children and seven grandchildren. He lives on the island of Maui.

Balboa Press, a division of Hay House, Inc. – a leading provider in publishing products that specialize in self-help and the mind, body, and spirit genres. Through an alliance with the worldwide self-publishing leader Author Solutions, LLC, authors benefit from the leadership of Hay House Publishing and the speed-to-market advantages of the self-publishing model. For more information, visit To start publishing your book with Balboa Press, call 844-682-1282 today.


